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  1. Sc1_original

    Question for the developers

    I knew some things about Python before starting java, I started it by the last year, but things I got is that you need to know somethings about coding first and then diving into java, cause java is a bit harder than others I think the learning road map is something like this, at least for me...
  2. Sc1_original

    Suggestion HighJump new utilities

    for first, try this: Chiblocking - HighJump Replacement | ProjectKorra Community Forums and yes I think it should be a main plugin highjump
  3. Sc1_original

    Suggestion Armoring

    hm , and is it a temporary one or infinite armor
  4. Sc1_original

    Suggestion TempShield

    l Like it **)
  5. Sc1_original

    Suggestion BloodFlux

    nice idea
  6. Sc1_original

    Suggestion NinjaAnkles

    I think there is already an addon passive on ProjectAddons that may block a percent of chi blocker damage
  7. Sc1_original

    Suggestion Ignite

    how the fire bender dont burn by itself, I mean something like fireshield can be controled with heat control but this one is very very close to fire bender itself?
  8. Sc1_original

    Suggestion blood grab

    you may try cozmyc and Luxaelni's new ability named "BloodShock" here: CozmycDev/PK-BloodShock: A ProjectKorra Blood ability with AoE effect. (github.com)
  9. Sc1_original

    Wall Gliding (Passive)

    Hello Numin :) , I think Jedcore's Wallrun answer the climbing feature, but anyways I can add it as a feature that players can Enable or disable it so it would be compatible with jedcore too. and about the second one, I got an Idea of WallJump that they just jump the wall they are climbing...
  10. Sc1_original

    thats a nice day, isnt that?

    thats a nice day, isnt that?
  11. Sc1_original

    Wall Gliding (Passive)

    Sc1_original updated Wall Gliding (Passive) with a new update entry: Wide Update -- Added Sounds + Config Changes Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Sc1_original

    Chiblocking Wall Gliding (Passive) - Wide Update -- Added Sounds + Config Changes

    - Added Sounds for the Passive so it will be more Realistic alongside particles - Added Particle Amount to the Config - Added option for Sounds Disabling to the Config - Added Sounds Volume option to the Config
  13. Sc1_original


    so the server version is 1.20.1 and the pk is 1.11.3
  14. Sc1_original


    so the content is nice but the ability didnt load for me, can u help me fix that ? also i think u are new to developers community. Good Luck !
  15. Sc1_original

    Chiblocking Wall Gliding (Passive) 2.0.0

    Description: Have you ever felt that chi blockers need more abilities like in the series? then this is for you! with this ability, you can climb down of the walls without any injuries, you can prevent your fall damage by it! Usage: first make sure you are a chi blocker and have the ability's...
  16. Sc1_original

    Wall Gliding (Passive)

    Sc1_original submitted a new resource: Wall Gliding (Passive) - helps you climb down from the walls like a Pro! Read more about this resource...
  17. Sc1_original

    Cleanse & CovertBending

    when I installed it , it works great but it cause many plugins not to work, also it reduces server TPS I'm not gonna give you poor review because your ability is great but Please fix it.
  18. Sc1_original

    Air Eruption

    Sc1_original updated Air Eruption with a new update entry: Added config for Particles Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. Sc1_original

    Airbending Air Eruption - Added config for Particles

    added particle amount to the config so you can customize the amount of particles on shoot
  20. Sc1_original

    Airbending Air Eruption 1.0.0

    Air Eruption: Description: with this ability, you can shoot an eruption of air! but the difference between this ability and others is that if your target get stuck by that he will get continuous damage! HOW TO INSTALL? Download the ability on your server, go to the...