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Search results

  1. Moonelight

    Suggestion (Edited) Winter Solstice

    The Avatar can only open the Spirit Portal's during a Winter Solstice, unless the other is open. I am suggesting a event that would happen every 100 (configurable) days. The Winter Solstice would bring the Avatar the ability to open the portal the server used. But may close it at any given time...
  2. Moonelight

    Suggestion Spirit Ability Save

    So as I saw when I read the first look thread, if you're killed by a Dark spirits you turn into one, or the other way around. I think we should be able to save our abilitys bound for each type of spirit, so you wouldn't have to rebound them every time you were killed and turned into another...
  3. Moonelight

    Suggestion Light Avatar Move (Branch off of Dark Avatar thread)

    I made a separate thread because the one this was in was focused on Dark Avatar, and it's capabilities. So I needed to make sure it stayed on topic! Go check out the thread this came from: http://projectkorra.com/threads/dark-avatar-balancing-avatar.1211/ Spirit Blast||Light Avatar Move Only...
  4. Moonelight

    Suggestion Bending Depending On How you Enter Spirit World

    Simple, not many things to say, so I will juse say the main point vvvv Entering through meditation// No bending in Spirit World Entering through Spirit Portal// Bring along bending Demonstrated when Korra entered through meditation and couldn't bend. Unalaq brought his bending through the...
  5. Moonelight

    Suggestion Dark Avatar (Balancing Avatar?)

    Not saying this would ever make it, but the Dark Avatar should get recognized in the plugin shouldn't it? Sure, Korra destroyed him but that doesn't mean it still can't be added:) This would be a option that you can turn on and off so that your server stays the way you want it. Dark Avatar The...
  6. Moonelight

    Suggestion Spirit Guide

    Since not all benders have a strong connection to the spirit world, how about giving (whichever element(s) get the instant access to spirit world ability) the ability to guide other users into the spirit world? To use this move simply Shift for 7 seconds while having your pointer over the user...
  7. Moonelight


    We now know that we are closer than ever to Spirits! :) excitement below
  8. Moonelight

    Looking Into Uses For Bending (Other Than Combat)

    So I guess the Core plugin really ignored most of the uses for bending other than combat and mobility. So I am just going to suggest a couple ideas for each element to benefit users in daily minecraft life. Water - Fertilization (needs new name ik) The user uses Waterbending to grow a baby...
  9. Moonelight

    Avatar State Animation

    I'm suggesting that when an Avatar enters the Avatar State a spiral of either... A) 4 Elements Particles (Water Fire Air Earth) B) Enderman Particles C) Glowstone Particles D) Air Particles (Different sound to represent light energy) (Or any particle the owner chooses) ... would burst out in a...
  10. Moonelight

    New Lava Technique (Addon to Earth Blast)

    Demonstrated by Ghazan when he is breaking out of Jail, you would shift on a Earthbendable Block with Earthblast selected until it turns to Lava. The block turning to lava would take 3 seconds. You would click somewhere random and the block of lava would blast in that direction (With the...
  11. Moonelight

    Plant Subclass Moves

    [Water Bender Sub Class; Plants] As it is used in Avatar The Last Airbender by the Swamp Water Tribe, I think this move should be added. Project Korra has completely ignored the 3rd offense/defense style of bending, Plant bending. Water has many cultures, North being the calm culture (Invented...
  12. Moonelight

    Denied Chi Combos

    So, I was on a server and we all got this nausea effect on us. So I got to thinking, and having a Avatar mind, I came up with this move below. Knowing that Chi Blockers are quick, ninja like attackers this move would fit them perfectly. The "goal" of a Chi Blocker is to confuse your opponent...
  13. Moonelight

    Denied Fire Manipulation

    Basically the same thing as Earth Manipulation, but with a twist. The user that will start to use the power of Fire Manipulation will be able to pick up fire from a source, and then launch it in a direction dealing damage in 2 different ways. Fire Manipulation Option 1 User shifts and holds...
  14. Moonelight

    Fire Jet Ski

    I suggest reading the Comments as well as the Forum Post. The comments share a lot of debated ideas that aren't in this thread. Update 1/20/2015: Thanks @jedk1 for creating the ability! *Most viewed suggestion on ProjectKorra, 8,000+ views* "So, recently I thought about a little different...
  15. Moonelight

    Denied Metal bending Sub Class // Earth Re-Vamp and (Water/Air) Spout Idea

    So for Earth I was thinking, the moves are not as strong (they can be, but for most people it doesn't come to them as well), so what if you gave us more capability to do more damage? My idea is For some new moves is the Earth Subform metal bending. The original plugin didn't give attention to...