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  1. Tenket

    My Bending Experience: Tips of the waterbender

    I wrote this a while back. I cycle through the elements periodically, and every time I change I stay in that element for a little while. Im in my earth phase. Water This is most difficult to use as it requires sources but those are not as prevalent as earth. Bottle bending negates this...
  2. Tenket

    Complete (Air) WallDamage Cap

    chi can be as OP as it likes. The balance to being OP is noone wants to play it.
  3. Tenket

    Complete (Air) WallDamage Cap

    yeah but then you have to play as chi. Thats the balancing aspect there.
  4. Tenket

    Complete (Air) WallDamage Cap

    Airbenders doing 9 hearts of damage is OP. Four hearts is still a lot.
  5. Tenket

    FireJet in the AvatarState

    This might solve the firejet possible nerf issue too. Double tapping forward activates the sprint mode firejet, but switching off the slot to charge moves slows it down.
  6. Tenket

    Complete (Water) Small Underwater Bending changes

    gotta kill squids somehow i guess
  7. Tenket

    Bending obsidian for earth

    Its a hard block to move around in minecraft. So I agree this plugin shoudlnt change that too drastically.
  8. Tenket

    EarthBlast upgrade

    The earth blast variant could jsut combine the blocks into an iron block (turns back if not fired). This does extra damage already and could use the same animation.
  9. Tenket

    Octopusform little change

    This exactly. There are balancing issues with mods like this but removing something because you suck too much to beat it doesnt fly on boards like this. Likewise when fighting earthbenders underground, you are dead if you can't escape or kill the earthbender within a few seconds. Collapse is a...
  10. Tenket

    Octopusform little change

    *quite *drains Thats 2 strikes buddy
  11. Tenket

    New water combo

    This would be a pretty good multimove combo. It matches what waterbending should be about. However, these kind of moves can be a bit rigid to enter and exit from. Like water arms for example. Brilliant move but canceling can break flow. Sounds like you are combining torrent...
  12. Tenket

    How Do I Contribute to the Wiki?

    I could do a pretty good job of it all. Good at web formatting, long time fan of the show. Pretty shit at coding, but would love to give back in some other way.
  13. Tenket

    Fixed PLS SIR May i have some more?

    Daymn, if i know most people have this then it would be good. Then I would know it would get fixed. I guess ill finish my water rotation soon. I play alone on my own server so i guess its ok.
  14. Tenket

    Fixed PLS SIR May i have some more?

    what if you are having the same issue while running 1.8.7? Thats me.
  15. Tenket

    Fixed PLS SIR May i have some more?

    I went back and made a 1.6.0 build server and watermanipulation works fine there.
  16. Tenket

    Fixed Waterbubble and airbubble not working. Sigh

    Yep there we go. Thanks guys
  17. Tenket

    Fixed Waterbubble and airbubble not working. Sigh

    Hi all, Working in spigot 1.8.7 Using beta 10 core version of korra Also using jedcore, but ive checked and the issue also happens without jedcore. Has this bug been around for a while? Ive played as earth/fire benders mostly so i havent noticed. Would appreciate any advice. Im going to...
  18. Tenket

    Fixed PLS SIR May i have some more?

    I am running projectKorra, items, and runecraft and I'm getting this same huge spike with water manipulation. It is much worse on shift then click style water manipulation. But bottle bending watermanipulation also causes the issue.Nothing out of place in colsole. Surge also lags to hell. But...
  19. Tenket

    Fixed Water or Ice Bug: continue

    yeah it is. It was made so you can have some way to remove large areas of water.