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  1. Tenket

    Looking Into Thop Vision

    Perfect night vision but only when touching earthbendable block
  2. Tenket

    Looking Into Thop Vision

    but not stuff that wasnt touching earth. So stuff in the air she was blind to.
  3. Tenket

    [Deleted] AirPocket

    Im also looking forward to this a lot. :)
  4. Tenket

    Looking Into Thop Vision

    So it should be a clear example of why its positive to have this. It shouldnt be a deficit. So the idea of smoke particles coming up all the time when there is a cave underneath you. Something like that. Its a passive thing.
  5. Tenket

    [Deleted] JedCore

    Earthpillar is almost enough for me to drop out of society so I can play minecraft until hospitalized. Honestly the move I dreamed of since starting as an earthbender. Fills a nice niche between collapse and raise earth. Where those 2 are the broadswords, this is the scalpel. However I think...
  6. Tenket

    1.8.0 BETA 5

    These guys work on this completely for free. Be patient and respectful.
  7. Tenket


    Do you remember why? I kinda agree with it. As people havent really thought of anything else to do with it.
  8. Tenket

    What binds do you use?

    Cant find a screenshot for air. But I use that sometimes too. My binds need room for a pickaxe in there and torches and food. Some abilities can have tools in the slot and some cant. (Yes I actually bind tremorsense, its hella useful) Also enjoy the screenshots. I tried to make them interesting.
  9. Tenket

    What binds do you use?

    how interesting that you spend your time coding really great abilities but never use them. I play minecraft heaps and then go off it for a bit. Is it like that for you?
  10. Tenket

    Airbending Techniques~

    Sounds technical. But cool
  11. Tenket

    Earthbending. My Experience.

    Also Earthbending bases. The one in pic was orininally designed as an air one. But I can get up there with any element really. Im currently Earth. Capapult. Pop. Yisss. Earthbending is amazing for collapse and raiseearth. However collapse is also great for ruining your day. So if you cut a base...
  12. Tenket

    My Bending Experience: Tips of the waterbender

    see firebenders couldnt reset the entrance. Its like saying earthbenders can enter my town because I made it from stone. And youcan make a waterbender base that has traps that only waterbenders could activate, or only waterbenders could easily escape. Eg. Put in vanilla dispenser traps but...
  13. Tenket

    Earthbending. My Experience.

    I liked the thread by Hero on Waterbending. So heres earth. Earth 3rd easiest to use. You need to select sources but at least its practically everywhere. Earth suffers from too many ability syndrome, so it's confusing to pick the mix that suits you best. You need to consider crowd control...
  14. Tenket

    Wings. In minecraft.

    Airbenders can fly. Airblast yourself into the sky then glide. Cloudhop a bit. Gide down to a high mountain. Repeat. You can travel very far. The mechanics are just a little different.
  15. Tenket

    Denied Chi ability (idea) "vain block"

    More like name subject to correction. *Vein
  16. Tenket

    Airbending Techniques~

    Omg I hate your formatting. It's like you had a round table of how you could make the most awful to read post without being accused of trolling
  17. Tenket

    Airbending Techniques~

    this is because its a polarizing element. Its the most finiky to use so the people that end up liking it are fanatics. Which are expressed more strongly than others in public spaces
  18. Tenket

    My Bending Experience: Tips of the waterbender

    This is top tier advice.
  19. Tenket

    My Bending Experience: Tips of the waterbender

    I saw a thread asking this move to be nerfed. I laughed and laughed at the guys stories raging about how he got rekt over and over.
  20. Tenket

    My Bending Experience: Tips of the waterbender

    Also I dont do much PvP, so all of this is just roleplaying minecraft with bending in there