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Search results

  1. Dylsnake

    Denied Heatcontrol Fireblast Blocking

    how do you block it with fireblast
  2. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

  3. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    ninjakid no it an earth move and thats that
  4. Dylsnake

    Metalbender Grapple

    I think it should happen two
  5. Dylsnake

    Denied Heatcontrol Fireblast Blocking

    why White_Knight28
  6. Dylsnake

    Denied Heatcontrol Fireblast Blocking

    This could be an add on to heatcontrol cause right now you cant block fireblast. How I think this should be done is that you shift at same time fireblast hits you. This is some pics of zuko stoping fire blast
  7. Dylsnake

    Metalbender Grapple

    also if you shift this could choke the person your looking at (if you hook them)
  8. Dylsnake

    Metalbender Grapple

    this move could also hook players and you can move them around.
  9. Dylsnake

    Metalbender Grapple

    I think this would be cool
  10. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    it be silly to make earth moves for other elements
  11. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    owlcool no because fire dont bend earth finnbon no because it not a spirit move it an earth move
  12. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    ninjakid1324 NO!!
  13. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    i said no
  14. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    no it an earth move. chi, fire, air, and water dont bend earth
  15. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    ninjakid1324 no because chi dont bend earth
  16. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    monkeycrush the uses for this is shoot it at an enemy which looses health (you can change how much) and im shore theres more things. And i know its sorta like raiseearth but its a bit differant to it and it has a bit of a diferant use and it is a bit better because it can be shot in any diretion...
  17. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    how is it a problem having it go horizontal or diagonal
  18. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    so should this be a move or not
  19. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    well the server im on i cant see any earthline