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Search results

  1. Dylsnake

    Complete Waterspout animation!

    mabby the spout could be a bit more wide and also make it look like its swirling
  2. Dylsnake

    Denied Pulverize

    What if on sozin's comet someone wanted the normal fireburst instead of you idea. To fix that I think to use it you should hold left click. Then when someone wants to use normal fireburst they can and your idea works as well. Also another idea of mine is where when its not sozin's comet this...
  3. Dylsnake

    Multi Bender Combos

    Heres a multi bender combo idea. Two earth benders both could right click the ground then shift at each other wile holding shift look at the enemy and click and it shoots a stronger earthblast. Haru and Tyro compressing coal.
  4. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    Many things have been made in the plugin that were hard to code. How would it be? I think there would be a way
  5. Dylsnake

    Denied Fireblast add on

    and ??? what do you mean
  6. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    how is it bad
  7. Dylsnake

    Denied Eartharmor addon

    In avatar there was a few times were earth benders took the earth around there feet and made it so no one could move them by making the earth harden around there feet. I think it should be added in to the plugin. How to use: you first have to be standing on someting bendable then get...
  8. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    Right now all I want to know is if its good or bad. NOT!!! if its this element or that move. All I want people to do right now is say yes = I like it. no = I dont like it because________. And any problems with this idea that could be fixed.
  9. Dylsnake

    multiperson combos

    This could be where two people combind there moves to do combos that are done only by two or more players. e.g two earth benders both could right click the ground then shift at each other wile holding shift look at the enemy and click and it shoots a stronger earthblast. please say if you think...
  10. Dylsnake

    Denied Fireblast add on

    nice idea
  11. Dylsnake

    Denied Fireblast add on

    how do you think it should be done
  12. Dylsnake

    Denied Fireblast add on

    I think there should be able to control fireballs. basically you right click some where with fireblast and all the fireballs in a radius around you turn that way. This could be used to control your fireballs to go around corners and it could redirect other fireballs that someone shoots at you...
  13. Dylsnake

    Complete Glass Bending

    sand is basically small peaces glass. l it looks yellow because it has lots of other stuff in it and when it is melted it gets filtered first leaving the peaces of glass left. then they melt it and it then becomes a big peace of glass.
  14. Dylsnake

    Denied Lightning and discharge merge

    k i put this idea in the right space
  15. Dylsnake

    [Part of JedCore] Discharge [Deleted]

    can this move be added on to lightning. basically you left click to use discharge and shift for lightning
  16. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    mabby in another plugin
  17. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

    it an earth move and no more and i wont answer any more "can it be this move" things
  18. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

  19. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column

  20. Dylsnake

    Denied Earth column
