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  1. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Leveling System!

    Also, I'm gonna give an option for the player to use the new system or the current skill menu system- this is so the abilities keep their progression, but there's no massive leveling difference. I think this will help balance out the mod; any other suggestions for a non-skill tree version of...
  2. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Leveling System!

    Edited my original post
  3. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Leveling System!

    Oh ok. I understand!
  4. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Leveling System!

    I know! I was just telling them that the mod will have it, as they seem really excited by the prospect of a more RPG-like feel to the plugin. Also, you're really quick at replying! What are you, some kind of speed demon??? xD
  5. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Leveling System!

    This is going to implemented in the mod! In fact, moves can already level up, and firebenders and waterbenders are stronger depending on the weather and time of day! The next major update will contain skill trees, the avatar, a better HUD, more moves, bugfixes, and structures! In fact, the next...
  6. FavouriteDragon

    In Development Looking for a Modeller!!!

    https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/modification-development/2904106-looking-for-a-modeller If you don't want to become a modeller for the mod, that's fine! I'd really appreciate the model, though! ;)
  7. FavouriteDragon

    In Development Inferno Punch Uprade Ideas!

    What should the 2 level 4 upgrades for inferno punch be like? Level 4 First Path) Massive punch; does a lot of damage, has a lot of knockback, and creates a firesplosion when you hit a target, dealing minor fire damage to all nearby entities, knocking them back, and setting fire to all affected...
  8. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Firebending Ability - FireJab

    Yep! What's in store for the next update (in terms of GUI, UI, and HUD's) -Better and more efficiently reproduced textures in the skill menu -Themed radial menus -Ease of use for creating resource packs -A new HUD -A cycling key for cycling through elements -A skill tree for the skill menu -An...
  9. FavouriteDragon

    Elementum [1.9-1.16]

    I've encountered none of those issues...
  10. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion What key should be pressed before cycling??

    What key should you have to press before using the mouse wheel to cycle through your elements? Vote now! Don't be like the US voter population in 2016! https://www.strawpoll.me/15320663/r Meskenas_Boii came up with a key to press before cycling through your elements, and I thought "AHAHAHAHA KID...
  11. FavouriteDragon


  12. FavouriteDragon

    ProjectKorra API Development Tutorials

    Did you make your first videos private? It says they no longer exist.
  13. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Bending System & Scrolls

    Actually, that's a good idea! I'll do that now. So metal, lava, healing, blood, plant, and spiritual, right? (We already have all the others)
  14. FavouriteDragon

    Should Teachers Be Armed?

    Actually, if you destroy all semiautomatic and automatic guns in the US and make them illegal, they'll be ridiculously expensive to obtain. The gun in the Sandy Hook shooting cost around $34000.
  15. FavouriteDragon

    Should Teachers Be Armed?

    If you mean we need mental health checks and care for potential killers, I entirely disagree. It's really hard to tell when some people are going to go on a rampage, and most people are smart enough to not tell anyone. Also, without guns, it makes it muuuch harder to kill people. Person with...
  16. FavouriteDragon

    Should Teachers Be Armed?

    Definitely not. -No-one has perfect aim. People will miss and hit other students, resulting in more damage than the shooter could ever do. -Students can steal the guns and shoot each other. -Angry teacher+gun= dead students. -Teachers will probably run away instead of confronting the shooter...
  17. FavouriteDragon

    Avatar Mod 2: Out of the Iceberg

    No, there are no current plans to backport. I already replied on discord :)
  18. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Bending System & Scrolls

    Ok I'll respond to these in order- 1) That would make it easier to cycle, but when we add more than 8 elements, it'll have to be completely changed again. 2) That is true, but you'll also run out of practical actions if we go with what you suggested. It also makes the internal structure of the...