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  1. özgün

    Giving someone perm to add only one element

    hi everyone i wanna give the player i want to give adding 1 element to himself but when i added he can use all elements so i just want that he'll be able to use only 1 element that he can add himself i tried bending.command.add and gave all elements but bending.command.add.water after giving...
  2. özgün

    the PK slows the opening

    So did it fixed rn or ? Cuz I didn't get it exactly lol
  3. özgün

    the PK slows the opening

    actually i did and it broke the PK so we dont have chance to get rid of it rn
  4. özgün

    the PK slows the opening

    I removed updater in projectkorra. Jar and i don't if itll work habenth tried yet
  5. özgün

    the PK slows the opening

    HELP ?
  6. özgün


    Players cant thros airbullets but can charge when i gave my test alt i can use but i dont know what is the perm to throw it
  7. özgün

    the PK slows the opening

  8. özgün

    Bending choose permission

    I didnt get but if you re talking about when you restartr your server or playera relog they lose their element you should update PK to 1.8.6
  9. özgün


    there's no problem with config. probably about perms
  10. özgün

    the PK slows the opening

  11. özgün

    the PK slows the opening

  12. özgün


    can you send your config file ?
  13. özgün

    the PK slows the opening

    hi when i restart the server it stucks a little bit and 2-3 min later it says Could not connect to ProjectKorra.com to check for updates and opens but it used not to do that i hope you'll help me thx and also gives that errors https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/755bQJbsns/
  14. özgün

    Errors occuring

    same as well as my server does
  15. özgün

    /b add blood permission

    I want to give some players only bloodbending, i mean giving them the permission of /b add blood because everytime they rechoose their blood bending dissappears. please im waiting for your helps :)