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  1. Finn_Bueno_

    Firejet Fall Damage

    No, that wouldn't even make sense. xD
  2. Finn_Bueno_

    PKI 1.1.3

    Such bugs much reports.
  3. Finn_Bueno_

    PKI 1.1.3

    I liked for doge.
  4. Finn_Bueno_

    Firejet Fall Damage

    That's not even a bug. xD of course if you fly up then fall down you die.
  5. Finn_Bueno_

    Firejet Fall Damage

    You mean, when you go up and then you fall down and take damage...?
  6. Finn_Bueno_

    Bending properties

    She wasn't gone. One cannot exist without the other.
  7. Finn_Bueno_

    Replace Airbending no Fall

    That was quite a long time ago. Elements got new things, so older things can be changed too.
  8. Finn_Bueno_

    Replace Airbending no Fall

    + he using your suggestion. They could both be implemented, to have a way to stop fall damage WHEN you are hit.
  9. Finn_Bueno_

    Replace Airbending no Fall

  10. Finn_Bueno_

    Replace Airbending no Fall

    You can clearly see him airbending. Things like that could be accomplished by having a decent reaction speed, and using tornado or airspout.
  11. Finn_Bueno_

    1.8.0 BETA 4

    I'm excited to see what the GFX team will bring! :D Do you think we will get an update on what we can expect from them? (Or is there already and have I missed it?)
  12. Finn_Bueno_

    [Deleted] JedCore

    I actually found out while trying to blast back the fireballs xD but no it doesnt push back anything anymore.
  13. Finn_Bueno_

    Replace Airbending no Fall

    That was an offense.
  14. Finn_Bueno_

    Replace Airbending no Fall

    Get used to it, it's Janny.
  15. Finn_Bueno_

    Replace Airbending no Fall

    I do such good jobs~ :rolleyes:
  16. Finn_Bueno_

    Replace Airbending no Fall

    Their mobility doesnt involve their nofall damage passive at all (maybe a little but still not a lot).
  17. Finn_Bueno_

    ProjectKorra (Spirits) Q/A Session

    You have to make your own map.