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  1. NickC1211

    [Time to talk] Waterbending

    http://projectkorra.com/threads/waterbending-rework-sourcing-and-dynamics.2218/ They basically ignored half of this thread
  2. NickC1211

    [Time to talk] Waterbending

    I think they are working on a more fluid waterbending system but they haven't given us much info on it. They really need to go back and look at Kiams old thread on dynamic sourcing and reuse
  3. NickC1211

    Suggestion Metal- Manipulation

    Well the last on I posted got ignored so I thought it more than appropriate to resuggest it. Especially given the new system of suggestions.
  4. NickC1211

    Denied Collapse - EarthBomb

    I like this you ever consider making it like a earthsmash combo
  5. NickC1211

    Suggestion Metal- Manipulation

    Element: Earth (metal) Move: Manipulation Description: This move is the base move for all metalbending. With this move you can move metal blocks such as iron or gold. You can shoot discs and clips of metal. And you can magnetically collect dropped metal objects. Keep in mind this is all one move...
  6. NickC1211

    Denied Surge - no Push

    Nuu we need surge jet xD
  7. NickC1211

    ProjectKorra 1.8.3 is live!

    Can someone explain what "a little more flowy than it should be" means xD
  8. NickC1211

    ProjectKorra 1.8.2 is Out

    Sooo is today the day
  9. NickC1211

    Earth Defensive Ability

    This is kinda sorta frickin amazing pls make this a thing
  10. NickC1211

    Denied OctopusForm: activation!

    So if I get this right you have to hold sneak for initial formation of the octopus form then you can let go but keep it sustained by clicking every 2 sec? If so I really really like that it wil add the mobility we're begging for also it's more realistic.
  11. NickC1211

    Denied New Water Passive

    I like the idea of a combo
  12. NickC1211

    Denied New Water Passive

    I just meant that there's no broad ice move like water manipulation for ice so it'd be hard to lump it with ice spike because they aren't very similar. Maybe phase change tho idk
  13. NickC1211

    Oh and another for EarthSmash

    This will be good for earth it's like their equivalent of waterbenders being able to bend flowing water.
  14. NickC1211

    Denied New Water Passive

    Yea I was thinking about that but there's no like ice manipulation move and ice spike doesn't seem like the move it goes with.
  15. NickC1211


    I really like this adds individuality but I think the sand one should do damage just less than a normal earth blast.
  16. NickC1211

    Denied New Water Passive

    I like the idea of an ice block on the feet and having to activate it. Do you think it should be apart of phase change or some other ice move?
  17. NickC1211

    Oh and another for EarthSmash

    Sounds good to me :D
  18. NickC1211

    Denied New Water Passive

    Basically when a water bender is standing on ice and snow, moves that would usually do knock back will not. For example if a water bender is standing on ice and gets hit with an earth smash they won't get knocked back as far as they usually would. Canon: This was inspired by the thread...
  19. NickC1211

    Oh and another for EarthSmash

    But what's if your battling someone in a room with only a few blocks of earth if they just disappear your screwed, plus it's more realistic for them to fall back to the ground or scatter.
  20. NickC1211

    Oh and another for EarthSmash

    Wow I really like this it can allow earth benders to basically reuse earth in environments that lack it. Maybe earth smash once it hits the target can scatter the blocks back on the ground to be reused. And if you use earthblast it falls back to the ground.