Cleanse: Bloodbenders may sever the chi paths of another bender, rendering them unable to bend. This ability cannot be used on non-benders. You must be above the configured health threshold, and the victim below that.
CovertBending: Also known as "psychic bloodbending", skilled bloodbenders are able to assert an edge over their opponent in a covert manner. Their bending will be interrupted, and they will stumble in place for a brief moment. This ability cannot be used on other bloodbenders.
Cleanse is mostly intended as a roleplay ability, but has a plethora of options to somewhat balance it nonetheless. CovertBending is used by pressing the off-hand key. This can be toggled off with /pk toggle BloodPassives.
CovertBending: Also known as "psychic bloodbending", skilled bloodbenders are able to assert an edge over their opponent in a covert manner. Their bending will be interrupted, and they will stumble in place for a brief moment. This ability cannot be used on other bloodbenders.
Cleanse is mostly intended as a roleplay ability, but has a plethora of options to somewhat balance it nonetheless. CovertBending is used by pressing the off-hand key. This can be toggled off with /pk toggle BloodPassives.
Cooldown: 60000
# The amount of time it takes before the cleanse is complete
CleanseTime: 5000
# The user must be above at least 80% health to use the ability
User: 0.8
# The victim must be below at least 50% health to be a valid target
Victim: 0.5
# Whether the victim must be chiblocked at the time of cleansing to be a valid target
RequireChiblocked: false
# Whether the cleanse is permanent
Permanent: true
# The amount of time it will take for the victim to have their bending returned,
# if the cleanse is not permanent
Duration: 30000
# Whether a message should be broadcast to the whole server
Broadcast: true
# The message to broadcast
Content: "&8[%user%] &c%victim%&7, the world has been cleansed of your impurities."
Cooldown: 1000
# The range at which a victim can be bent
Range: 32.0
# The strength of the stumble that is applied to the victim
Velocity: 0.05
# Whether the victim should be chiblocked in order to interrupt their bending
Chiblock: true