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Side Plugin BendingGUI 1.6.2

Very nice and useful plugin
Plain, easy, simple and perfect. It's great to be able to do everything in just a few clicks instead of typing long commands. Thank you so much for keeping it updated.
Clean and simple
Fantastic plugin, works in 2022. 1.17
Poor. It it takes forever to translate this plugin. I need Russian language support..
If there is something that cannot be translated, you can make a request for it.

However, I don't speak Russian. And I have not been given a pre-translated language file for this plugin. I can't give you support for Russian when I don't speak it myself.
Amazing work, is this on Spigot? Would be cool to have it there too!
No, it is not. As it's only a side plugin for ProjectKorra, it makes no sense for it to be on spigot. It's much more fitted to a place for ProjectKorra plugins like here.

If you insist on using a free host, use server.pro. You can upload jars with that host.
would really want it to be updated. is there any plans for doing so?
It's updated now
sorry for the 3 stars i have a problem when i use the compass it says "An error ocurred while trying to open the bending interface, Please reportthis to your admin or the plugin developer!" please help me
The plugin is outdated and doesn't work on the latest version of ProjectKorra currently
Wonderful side plugin, it makes it infinitely easier to understand how the bending works.
İt is Awesome and so usefully a gui pluging <3 you are amazing coder. <3
Thanks :)
Great plugin really helps my players, I found an error and the developer handled me very well. People below just don't know what they're doing.
  • Deleted member
  • 2.00 star(s)
  • Version: 1.1.8
It's a cool idea, but the JedCore abilities do not show up, and neither do the custom ones. You also have to right click a block, not the air, to make it show the gui. For those reasons, it is unusable.
BendingGUI supports ALL addon abilities. If it does not work, let me know in the thread. I've never heard of this not working and it certainly worked when I tested it.
Plugins does nothing. only gives feedback what commands in the plugin. thats all. ;( pls update it to the newest spigotbuild pls
Completely forgot I hadn't added Spigot 1.12 support. Thanks for the reminder.

However, next time, just put a message in the thread about it and I can update it ;)
  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 1.1.6
Its good i used it before but now its not working :( I`m using minecraft spigot 1.10 version and latest Project Korra Core :)
Can you help me what should i do ?
Is there any error in the console on startup? Sorry that it's not working for you, but thanks for the 5 star review! (You can reply to this in the thread)
Step 1. Download
Step 2. Install to server
Step 3. Be amazed by it's simplicity :D
Thanks, glad you like it! :)
Thanks for the 5 star review :)
Love this! So amazing! My players are going to enjoy it!

Suggestions: Where it lists your available abilities, u could 1. group them if they have multiple elements (like click water and shows water, if they go back it goes back)
2. i think it would be good to have 2 rows maybe?

Thanks so much!
Thanks for the great review! Glad you like it and thanks for the suggestions!

1) As it is, I don't think it's too hard scroll through them all at the top but I'll take that into consideration. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
2) Could definitely make that a config option in future. I can definitely see where you are coming from since seeing only 7 or 8 abilities at a time is limited.

Again, thanks for the suggestions and the great review!
Very nice, but is it at all possible to disable the change element star/menu, my players keep using it and it's messing things up. There seems to be no perms or settings to stop it, but maybe I'm just missing something?
Thanks for the 5 star review! The star appears to those who have the right to re choose their element or edit their bending. If you take away the bending.command.rechoose permission, it shouldn't be there. The only other reason they'd have it would be if they had the bending.admin permission. Hope that helps!
I absolutely love this! I have been using it on another server and a bit on mine. I love the interface, i find it extremely easy to understand and it looks very clean. Good work! :D
Thanks for the great review! Glad you like it! :)
not working :(
Telling me it's "not working" isn't very helpful. Rather, please leave a message in a thread telling me more information so I can help you. :)

Are you:
1) Using 1.8.0 Beta 12?
2) Finding any errors or warnings from BendingGUI in be console?
If you are finding any errors, please post them in a thread with a debug file