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*insert some cringey strange pun here*

I got a secret project in the works that you will all love. There is a few hints around the place. See if you can find them/find out what it is.
Jan 21, 1999 (Age: 26)
Minecraft Username




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Follow these steps to help resolve your issue.

Are you on the latest ProjectKorra build? (ProjectKorra Core 1.8.7 OR 1.8.8 for Spigot 1.13.2)
If yes, continue bellow.
If no, click here to update.

I'm on Spigot 1.13.2 and it still doesn't work!
Try update your Spigot build. ProjectKorra 1.8.8 requires a Spigot build that came out after 1.13.2 was released (due to a bug in Spigot), so try updating your Spigot build

Do you have any addons installed?
If yes, remove all your addons from the Abilities folder and see if it's still happening. If the problem no longer remains, click the spoiler on debugging addons bellow. If it is still happening, continue bellow.
If no (you don't have any addons installed), also continue bellow.
Find the source
First, add back in your addons one by one until you know the source of the problem.

Update the addon
Visit the addon page and make sure you have the latest version of the addon. If you don't, try update it.
If the problem remains OR it is the latest version, continue bellow.

Update ProjectKorra
All addons are almost always for the latest version of ProjectKorra, so be sure to make sure you are on the latest. The latest is not 1.8.0 Beta 12! That is the recommended build and addons are built for the betas. The betas have more features and are more up to date anyway, so use them.

Contact the developer
If the problem still remains, contact the developer on the page of the addon. The developer might be able to help you there, so please be sure to provide logs and a bending debug file.

Are you on the latest Java?
If yes, check your java version again with the steps bellow. Once you have confirmed you are on the latest, continue to the next question bellow.
If no, update your java.
Are you on Windows?
1. Go to Start
2. Search "Control Panel" and click enter
3. Click "Java"
4. In the general tab, click "About"
If you see If you see build "1.6.0_XX" or "1.7.0_XX", UPDATE YOUR JAVA.

Are you on Mac OSX or Linux?
1. Open Terminal
2. Type "java -version"
If you see "1.6.0_XX" or "1.7.0_XX", UPDATE YOUR JAVA.

Note: If you are on a Mac and you know you have the latest java, install this instead. You didn't do anything wrong, apple just has a funny java complex. Installing that will fix your problems.

Still have problems?
Please PM me with a log of your server console so I can see what is going on. Also include your ProjectKorra version, Spigot version and Java.

Installing Custom Abilities
Custom Abilities can be downloaded from the Downloads page and put in the Abilities folder (plugins/ProjectKorra/Abilities). This includes multi-abilities as well as combos. If they don't load, see custom abilities help. However, side plugins such as JedCore and BendingGUI must go in the plugins folder instead of the abilities folder. Remember to read the developers installation instructions

Problems with Addons
Q: Is it an ability?
Yes: Continue bellow.
No: Make sure you are installing it correctly. Side plugins go in the plugins folder, abilities go in the abilities folder. As of beta 10 multiabilities and combos also go in there!

Q: Is there an error?
Yes: The ability is probably outdated or you are using the wrong version of ProjectKorra (make sure you read the ability installation instructions). Make sure you are using the latest version (1.8.0 Beta 10) as most abilities are built for the most recent version of PK. If you ARE using the correct version, report it to the developer. You will have to remove the ability until the developer fixes it.
No: Continue bellow.

(Only if the ability replaces a ProjectKorra Core ability)
Q: Did you disable the original ability in the ProjectKorra config file?
Yes: Continue bellow.
No: Try disabling the core ability, then try reloading your server again. ProjectKorra won't load an ability that has the name of an already existing one (that's why you have to disable it)

Apart from that, ask the developer for help. Sadly there isn't much more you can do.
Spigot 1.13.2:
ProjectKorra Core 1.8.8

Spigot 1.11/1.12:
ProjectKorra Core 1.8.7

Spigot 1.9/1.10:
ProjectKorra Core 1.8.4

Spigot 1.8.8:
ProjectKorra Core 1.8.0 (for MC 1.8)
You must install the BendingBoard side plugin if you want this.
In your server console (or as op/with the bending.admin permission), type /bending debug

This will create a file named debug.txt found in the /plugins/ProjectKorra folder. Make sure you upload this file when reporting bugs as it tells us a lot of important info!
Is the feature that doesn't work/doesn't work properly part of ProjectKorra?
If it is not part of ProjectKorra (a move from JedCore, addons, etc), you must contact the author about it. ProjectKorra doesn't officially support anything not owned by ProjectKorra so it is not out responsibility to fix these issues.

x feature doesn't work! This is a bug!
If it is a bug, please let us know by reporting it in the bug reporting section! We can't fix it if we don't know about it! Just make sure you include a bending debug file, your ProjectKorra version as well as your Spigot and Java versions.

Note: We will only fix bugs that are ProjectKorra related! If JedCore broke your server, that is not our issue!

I have a suggestion for x feature!
If you have a suggestion, post a suggestion thread.
We have a Work-in-progress tutorial on our wiki about this. Follow that if you want to know.

Link: http://projectkorra.com/wiki/index.php?title=Creating_A_ProjectKorra_Ability No longer available due to wiki deletion.

Note: You MUST have knowledge of Java and Bukkit/Spigot plugin development to use this tutorial! Creating an ability is not a 5 minute job, so if you think you can create one with no prior coding knowledge, please think again.
Install this:)


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