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Recent content by FavouriteDragon

  1. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion The Wiki

    We're going to redo the wiki, eventually, as is the PK team :P
  2. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Sub Styles

    While I understand your reasoning, each element will have at least 8 abilities.
  3. FavouriteDragon

    65th Weekly Update!

    Because the idea I had, even though it's not canon, is that you're drawing up energy from the earth, kinda like how energybending worked- you bent the energy of people, not the elements. I pictured the energy would be green particles, as that fits with life and such.
  4. FavouriteDragon

    65th Weekly Update!

    Hey everyone! It's the 65th weekly update! Sorry I wasn't able to get an update out sooner- my mum had a birthday this weekend, and I have family friends visiting, so it's been really chaotic!!! Here are the upgraded smash gifs!!!!!! I've also improved the buff abilities! I'm working on the...
  5. FavouriteDragon

    Some bad news....

    Haha, thanks! Taking breaks every once in a while really helps :P I now have a plan of attack for getting features done while waiting! You'll get those gifs ;)
  6. FavouriteDragon

    Some bad news....

    Hey everyone! Some bad news: Mahtaran revamped the packet system- pretty sweet, right? Improved maintainability, readability, and prevents some potential bugs. However, it's caused some unforeseen bugs that means I can't release a preview this week, as Mahtaran is on holiday again Nor can I do...
  7. FavouriteDragon

    64th Weekly Update!

    Hey everyone! It's the 64th weekly update! I've reduced lag AND upgraded smash particles yet again! I'd give you guys a gif, but I can't run my dev environment right now because Mahtaran is working on packets Gifs tomorrow! I've fixed a whole slew of bugs with Inferno Punch, including some...
  8. FavouriteDragon

    63rd Weekly Update!

    Hmm, I'll see what I can do for pickup block and earth wall! I think the shockwaves are fine not charged, as long as I balance the damage :P
  9. FavouriteDragon

    63rd Weekly Update!

    Hey everyone! It's the 63rd weekly update! I've got some cool stuff for ya! First off- Air Burst. It's a new air ability! Charge up for a couple seconds then blast your enemies away! Ideas for upgrades and other functionality would be greatly appreciated! Gif: Pretty laggy, as you can see. I'm...
  10. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Mod Preview Review

    Yeah I can change that! Just uploaded some bug fixes! https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/avatar-mod-2-out-of-the-iceberg
  11. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Mod Preview Review

    The full release of a5.4!!!! https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/avatar-mod-2-out-of-the-iceberg
  12. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Mod Preview Review

    Preview Number 4 has been released! https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/avatar-mod-2-out-of-the-iceberg/files/2597446
  13. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Mod Preview Review

    Yep! I will add most, if not all of them in some way, shape or form! And yeah, I do plan to have that in the config :D Thanks! Yeah I understand your concern... I'm gonna try and make abilities pretty unique, or if they share the same style, have their own unique twist on that type of move...
  14. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Mod Preview Review

    Just finished that inferno punch upgrade! You can now hit enemies from far away AND cause collateral damage!!!!!
  15. FavouriteDragon

    Suggestion Mod Preview Review

    Haha thanks! I really worked on water bending! I'll see what I can do for water skate, and thanks for the awesome path idea! Well lightning raze was honestly just fun to code and use rather than canon... However, I have balanced- it isn't actually vanilla lightning, but custom lightning, that...