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EarthCombo: Barrage

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Verified Member
This is an idea for an EarthCombo technique.

Name: Barrage

Description: Combo: RaiseEarth (left-click) > RaiseEarth (right-click) > EarthBlast (hold sneak) > Earthblast (left-click). Crush a chunk of earth into several smaller chunks of earth and then fire them rapidly in front of you.

How it could work: RaiseEarth (left-click) - raise a section of earth, RaiseEarth (right-click) - target a block of risen earth *source*, EarthBlast (hold sneak) - *crushing the earth* until the source is charged and emitting particles, EarthBlast (left-click) *while still in sneak* unleash about 7 small chunks (in the form of firework stars) where the cross-hair is aiming. The player can move their cross-hair around while firing Barrage. Each chunk will deal 1 damage (0.5 hearts) so it can deal maximum of 3.5 hearts of damage if all chunks hit. A cooldown of perhaps 20-30 seconds default should proceed to balance it.

This technique would prove most effective against a slow moving or stationary target for maximum damage. The constant precision of the earthbender will determine how well this technique can be used. This, including the held sneak for charging, which takes longer to execute the technique, are what balance out Barrage. A faster moving target would be the least suitable for this technique because of the large probability not all chunks will hit the target and only some, of not none, will hit, dealing only fractions of the possible maximum damage.

A relatively fast firing rate should suit Barrage well. It'll need a decent rate to be effective, but even if it's quick in firing, a target closer is more susceptible to taking damage than one farther away, since the greater the distance the wider the angle of fire, which means it requires less movement from the target to evade the chunks. The range for Barrage, I believe by default, should be rather long (at least 30 blocks) to justify it logically. The small size and aerodynamics of the chunks to be specific.

I hope Barrage looks good. Please leave helpful feedback and leave any suggestions that you think might improve Barrage in any way. Thank you. :)


Verified Member
Oml, this move sounds op as crap.

All I had to do was read this...
Crush a chunk of earth into several smaller chunks of earth and then fire them rapidly in front of you.
Every element has that one Op move, and for earth I believe it is Shockwave, and Shockwave doesn't really do that much damage!
Having any element with a move that deals 5 hearts is op, even for fire.

I'm iffy on this move, but Ok.


Verified Member
Oml, this move sounds op as crap.

All I had to do was read this...

Every element has that one Op move, and for earth I believe it is Shockwave, and Shockwave doesn't really do that much damage!
Having any element with a move that deals 5 hearts is op, even for fire.

I'm iffy on this move, but Ok.
Okay, but what does that have to do with Barrage? You have made references to other things you found overpowered but what about Barrage seems overpowered to you despite the description? I'd appreciate some points using some reliable evidence and facts to backup your hesitance other than how the description sounds, because that sounds a bit too subjective for me to understand it properly. Please and thank you.


Verified Member
Oml, this move sounds op as crap.

All I had to do was read this...

Every element has that one Op move, and for earth I believe it is Shockwave, and Shockwave doesn't really do that much damage!
Having any element with a move that deals 5 hearts is op, even for fire.

I'm iffy on this move, but Ok.
Um, Fly, by "5 hearts" do you mean the "1 damage (0.5 hearts)? If you do then you should reassess the entire technique to avoid a giant misunderstand. I try to think very carefully about an idea I have before suggesting. I would not suggest a technique that deals 5 hearts of damage multiple times in quick rapid succession. Plus, the description is merely that, a description. Please read the mechanics that I include rather than judge the technique mainly by how it is described.

Stephano The Pebble

Verified Member
This move is OP in a different way. Compressing a rock into smaller pieces is a difficult move only masters can do. In the prison break episode in (Book 2?), the father and son had to work together to compress a chunk of coal. This combo was only performed by Aang in the Avatar State when he was creating an Elemental Sphere. Maybe this move can only be enabled for avatars but other than that. No.


Verified Member
This move is OP in a different way. Compressing a rock into smaller pieces is a difficult move only masters can do. In the prison break episode in (Book 2?), the father and son had to work together to compress a chunk of coal. This combo was only performed by Aang in the Avatar State when he was creating an Elemental Sphere. Maybe this move can only be enabled for avatars but other than that. No.
I suppose, but things like that are merely configurable and slightly erratic. Things like lightningbending, bloodbending, lavabending, metalbending, etc, as time as gone on benders are progression in the art and the techniques that were rare and prestigious slowly become more common practices.

There are some abilities that already exist in the plug-in that are of common use and would be regarded as a technique that is rather rare and/or difficult to master (such as lavabending).

I understand your points, I do, but I still think the context in which "OP" is regarded (which is used in terms of power, scale and effect) by most members of the community and for the mechanics of this plug-in supersedes the context in which you have used it. Especially considering this is the core portion of Project Korra and all these factors that could be thought "OP" are mostly configurable.


Verified Member
I suppose, but things like that are merely configurable and slightly erratic. Things like lightningbending, bloodbending, lavabending, metalbending, etc, as time as gone on benders are progression in the art and the techniques that were rare and prestigious slowly become more common practices.

There are some abilities that already exist in the plug-in that are of common use and would be regarded as a technique that is rather rare and/or difficult to master (such as lavabending).

I understand your points, I do, but I still think the context in which "OP" is regarded (which is used in terms of power, scale and effect) by most members of the community and for the mechanics of this plug-in supersedes the context in which you have used it. Especially considering this is the core portion of Project Korra and all these factors that could be thought "OP" are mostly configurable.
Agree! For another example, why are all firebenders able too use combustion? There are only two persons in the show performing this move!


Verified Member
This move is OP in a different way. Compressing a rock into smaller pieces is a difficult move only masters can do. In the prison break episode in (Book 2?), the father and son had to work together to compress a chunk of coal. This combo was only performed by Aang in the Avatar State when he was creating an Elemental Sphere. Maybe this move can only be enabled for avatars but other than that. No.
I just realised what you were talking about, and now I you misunderstood. The ability does not compress the earth but crush it (if you refer to the description). It takes a larger piece of earth and breaks it up into smaller pieces, which are then fired forward.


Verified Member
Agree! For another example, why are all firebenders able too use combustion? There are only two persons in the show performing this move!
So? As far as we know there is only 1 LavaBender and 1 AstralProjector. In Aang's time there were only a handful of LightningBenders (mostly royal family), 1 MetalBender (Toph), and 2 BloodBenders. As time progresses, these 'rare' skills are discovered to not be rare at all, they just didn't know it was possible. The best example is MetalBending. Nobody thought it was possible, until Toph discovered it. Because she told everyone they could do it and taught people, there are many MetalBenders today! Another example is LightningBending. It used to be (relatively) exclusive to the royal family. After Zuko took over it seemed to become more public and was taught throughout the nation. Now many firebenders can use lightning. Of course BloodBending is 'illegal' so it hasn't spread, although I think this is foolish but whatever. Think about it, LavaBending (and in essence Astral Projection) are only rare because few people know how to do it. Once the skill is common knowledge for an extended period of time, more and more people will try to do it and it will become widespread. I really need to stress in the end here that every bender can bend all of their sub-elements. As said by Suyin, the block between the bender and the sub-elements is mental, and once it is overcome, they will be able to do so. I think CombustionBending is only rare in the same fact as Lava etc. in that few people have learned it, especially without someone to teach it or proclaim its being to the world.


Verified Member
So? As far as we know there is only 1 LavaBender and 1 AstralProjector. In Aang's time there were only a handful of LightningBenders (mostly royal family), 1 MetalBender (Toph), and 2 BloodBenders. As time progresses, these 'rare' skills are discovered to not be rare at all, they just didn't know it was possible. The best example is MetalBending. Nobody thought it was possible, until Toph discovered it. Because she told everyone they could do it and taught people, there are many MetalBenders today! Another example is LightningBending. It used to be (relatively) exclusive to the royal family. After Zuko took over it seemed to become more public and was taught throughout the nation. Now many firebenders can use lightning. Of course BloodBending is 'illegal' so it hasn't spread, although I think this is foolish but whatever. Think about it, LavaBending (and in essence Astral Projection) are only rare because few people know how to do it. Once the skill is common knowledge for an extended period of time, more and more people will try to do it and it will become widespread. I really need to stress in the end here that every bender can bend all of their sub-elements. As said by Suyin, the block between the bender and the sub-elements is mental, and once it is overcome, they will be able to do so. I think CombustionBending is only rare in the same fact as Lava etc. in that few people have learned it, especially without someone to teach it or proclaim its being to the world.
What you state is true. A bender has the capacity to learn the many different ways in which to use their bending. Countless forms and technique lie in existence and it is only a matter of discovery, perpetuating and imparting to have practitioners.


Verified Member
So? As far as we know there is only 1 LavaBender and 1 AstralProjector. In Aang's time there were only a handful of LightningBenders (mostly royal family), 1 MetalBender (Toph), and 2 BloodBenders. As time progresses, these 'rare' skills are discovered to not be rare at all, they just didn't know it was possible. The best example is MetalBending. Nobody thought it was possible, until Toph discovered it. Because she told everyone they could do it and taught people, there are many MetalBenders today! Another example is LightningBending. It used to be (relatively) exclusive to the royal family. After Zuko took over it seemed to become more public and was taught throughout the nation. Now many firebenders can use lightning. Of course BloodBending is 'illegal' so it hasn't spread, although I think this is foolish but whatever. Think about it, LavaBending (and in essence Astral Projection) are only rare because few people know how to do it. Once the skill is common knowledge for an extended period of time, more and more people will try to do it and it will become widespread. I really need to stress in the end here that every bender can bend all of their sub-elements. As said by Suyin, the block between the bender and the sub-elements is mental, and once it is overcome, they will be able to do so. I think CombustionBending is only rare in the same fact as Lava etc. in that few people have learned it, especially without someone to teach it or proclaim its being to the world.
2 LavaBenders*
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