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Complete Sozin's Comet and Full Moon

What do you think about this idea?

  • No, I think current Day and Night buffs are fine and good enough

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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He's talking about when Admiral Zhao effectively killed the moon spirit before it was restored by Yue


Verified Member
He's talking about when Admiral Zhao effectively killed the moon spirit before it was restored by Yue
But when Katara was talking about the day of Black Sun (Solar ecplipse) She was saying: "What about the lunar eclipse? You saw what it did to the waterbenders, the firenation would be completely powerless!" (might've been Sokka.but.


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While lunar and solar eclipse is the official scientific term, Day of the Black Sun and whatever the moon equivalent is are something different, which is what he meant.


Staff member
These features will be better if suggested in the RPG plugin when we finally get that up. I went ahead and marked it as complete because the full moon feature already exists.
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