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Better animation for EarthBlast

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Verified Member

I think that EarthBlast should have a better animation. If you look at EarthLine, you can see how smooth that looks. I think you guys should remake EarthBlast so it's animation is better.


New Member

I think that EarthBlast should have a better animation. If you look at EarthLine, you can see how smooth that looks. I think you guys should remake EarthBlast so it's animation is better.
any suggestions on how they would make it look better?


Verified Member
any suggestions on how they would make it look better?
Something more... smooth. If you have EarthLine, you can see how when you use it, the blocks look so fluid. I'm not sure if this is really hard to do though. EarthBlast as it is now seems all... blocky, and when you use it, the block's animation is sort of like a block being broken, and placed again really fast. Whereas with EarthLine, it seems like it's really moving and fluid.


Verified Member
I agree totally. I saw someone using earth disc and it looked amazing. Personally you should just make earthdisc the default earthblast


Verified Member
I agree. The earthblast looks so... unnatural and blocky. Maybe earthblast should exist out of an entity instead of a block :I


Verified Member
I think Earth Blast is just fine and isn't glitchy at all. It would be cool if it shold the block break animation for what ever block the earth blast is made of when the Earth Blast hits.


Verified Member
Like when earth blast hits, it could do a particle of the type of black showing it is like breaking. In the show when someone got hit with earth it do like a breaking thing. The only thing is I don't think you could have different types of particles for each earth blast


Verified Member
I think they should follow earthsmash , like , tap shift to raise the earthbendable block and hold shift to control it and left - click to blast it.


Verified Member
I think they should follow earthsmash , like , tap shift to raise the earthbendable block and hold shift to control it and left - click to blast it.
I think this version is far too slow, I like the mechanics of the current Earth Blast and I don't think they should be changed at all. I think just adding particles similar to Ice Blast, where it explodes in the block break effect upon hitting something or someone, just a smaller explosion than the one that Ice Blast has.


Verified Member
Well, Earth i a block, not like water........ it is going to be kind of hard to make it........ unless you use the new 1.8 features, with a custom texturepack?


Going by the show, it's usually a two movement process, kick to suspend the earth, then another to throw it. A possible change could be crouch and an earth entity fires up briefly, and click to fire it. As an entity, this would move smoothly, filling out OP's request, and also is closer to the show while taking none of the simplicity out of EarthBlast
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