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Verified Member
I was thinking that waterbenders should get the ability to bend snow around them. Would make them a lot better than what they are now, more potential too. They could turn snow into water, create ice/snow walls for their city, e.t.c

Would be a cool feature and something waterbenders need. And it'd also be nice to add a config file for the ice, or snow to revert just like for earth; that way if players made walls around their city it would be permanent and not revert D:


Verified Member
The entire northern water tribe is built out of ice and such lol It'd be cool if waterbenders could create walls, and stuff like that in the plugin O:


Verified Member
Is there a config to make certain items non-bendable/bendable? And can I make them non-revert? And I hope they stack ;-; Cause if they can't stack that'd be a problem lol
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