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1.5.0 BETA 5


Staff member
We seem a bit Dev Build happy this weekend I guess, hope that doesn't offend anyone. ^^

Anyway, this is the first relatively large Dev Build for 1.5.0, bugs are expected. Please report them. Read on below the changelog and I'll provide a bit more information about the coming Dev Builds.

  • General Changes
    • Developers: Migrated the RotateXZ method from WaterWave.java to Methods.java
      • If you have a custom ability that relied on this method (as far as I know, none publicly released do), you will have to update it.
    • Developers: Methods.isWithinShield() checks if a location is within the bounds of an Air or FireShield. There are more specific methods for each ability if you need them, read on for more information.
    • Developers: Added a method called blockAbilities() which takes a player, list of ability names, a location, and a radius. Using the list of ability names, this method will check if any instance of the ability exists within the location and radius, and will attempt to block the ability. If an ability was blocked with this method, it will return true, false otherwise. If you include AirShield or FireShield those abilities will not be blocked, but the Method will return true. As of now, this Method works with FireBlast, EarthBlast, WaterManipulation, AirSwipe, Combustion, FireShield, AirShield, WaterSpout, and AirSpout.
    • Added ComboManager
      • ComboManager records all of the abilities that have been used within the past 10 seconds and will check to see if a valid attack combination has been used.
      • Ability combinations can be created using an ArrayList of AbilityInformation.
      • Old AbilityInformation will get cleared after 10 seconds using a sync task.
    • Coolade's developer name has been changed from creepermcalianes to CherryCoolade.
  • Airbending Changes
    • Developers: Added AirShield.isWithinShield() method, returns true if the location specified is within the bounds of an existing AirShield.
    • Developers: AirSpout.removeSpouts() is now a boolean and will return true if an instance was removed.
    • Developers: Added AirSwipe.removeSwipesAroundPoint() which removes AirSwipes around a location within a radius.
  • Waterbending Changes
    • Developers: WaterSpout.removeSpout() is now a boolean and will return true of an instance was removed.
  • Earthbending Changes
    • Extraction Changes:
      • Extraction now has a sound when it is used. We will likely apply this to all future Metalbending abilities.
  • Firebending Changes
    • Developers: Added FireShield.isWithinShield(location) method, returns true if the location specified is within the bounds of an existing FireShield.
    • Added FireCombos: Coolade has coded his addon abilities into the Core plugin, so, if you have it installed a custom ability, remove it and use this instead.
      • Available Combos:
        • FireKick: An arc of fire launches from the player's feet.
        • FireSpin: A circular burst of flames extend from the player to damage and knock enemies back.
        • FireWheel: A high speed and precise flaming pinwheel extends from the players hands toward a target.
        • JetBlast: Causes an explosion at the player's feet, increasing FireJet speed.
        • JetBlaze: The player blasts off at a slightly faster rate, and damages all enemies within the path.
      • There are about a dozen of config options available for Firebending Combos, including enabling / disabling them.
      • You can use the command /b help FireCombo to see how to use any of the combos listed above.
    • Some Firebending abilities will now have a sound. This is still a work in Progress.
Notes On Combos:
It should be noted that all dev build releases are staggered. We could have waited until we have all combos complete to add them, or we can release them like this. At the moment Fire is the only element with a combo implemented, primarily because it had already been thought out and done.

This is the first official release of this kind of information, but I will tell you that as of now, we plan to implement more Combos in 1.5.0, ideally at least one for each element. That said, our Concept Designers for ProjectKorra (Core) are currently in the design phase of new combos for each of the elements to use, and will be using the Suggestions forum for ideas. If you have any ideas for Combos for any of the elements, even fire, go ahead and suggest them. We are looking to expand on the Combo idea in 1.5.0 instead of adding new abilities.

The goal for 1.5.0 has and will continue to be cleaning up on what already exists to prepare for ProjectKorra (RPG). It is likely the 'primary' feature of v1.5.0 will be Combos, with minor focus being put on other bits of the plugin, such as the Developer Methods as you can clearly see exhibited in this Dev Build.