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Complete Displaying what abilities are in which slot

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Verified Member
I think it'd be a great addition to the plugin if something was added to the screen that showed what slot you had certain abilities in, and when they were on cooldown. Came up with this suggestion after getting into an intense bending battle with a chi-blocker but I had to continuously type /b d to list what slots my skills were in, and even then I didn't know if they were on cooldown! Here is an example I made;

Please add this ;-; It would make fighting so much easier.


Verified Member
I actually had a similar idea I presented to Orion a while back.. Didn't really know about scoreboards then, but I suggested it tells you what ability is selected when you switch to that slot (like how you see an item's name when you switch to it in the hotbar).


New Member
Derpy question, can I use this without spigot? Cause I'm not sure the server I'm working for uses spigot or not (not the hosting person thingy) @.@
at the current time i have no intentions of making a bukkit version as: 1) i dont have a bukkit jar to build against 2) bukkit doesnt have the methods i used to make it work.


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Plugin Developer
Verified Member
at the current time i have no intentions of making a bukkit version as: 1) i dont have a bukkit jar to build against 2) bukkit doesnt have the methods i used to make it work.
If yours is proven to not work with bukkit I'll port it over using the same bukkit version as PK is compiled against.
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