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Is it possible to change the blood bending perm node to the old one?


Verified Member
I really want to change to this plugin but the only thing stopping me is the bloodbending perm node, I have around 37 bloodbending donations and their records on the enjin plugin and if I change to this plugin they will lose bloodbending and I dont have the time to give them all the perms back. So would it be possible to change the bloodbending permission back to

also if you cant is there a way I can?



Staff member
All abilities by default are bending.ability.______ for the sake of continuity (It works well with the modular ability system). That said, there is no way to change it. The best way to do it, for now, would be to manually apply all 37 permission nodes (or have a trusted staff member do it for you).

Also worth nothing: As of August 1st, Mojang's new EULA will forbid you from selling game changing features -- like Bloodbending.


Verified Member
I really want to change to this plugin but the only thing stopping me is the bloodbending perm node, I have around 37 bloodbending donations and their records on the enjin plugin and if I change to this plugin they will lose bloodbending and I dont have the time to give them all the perms back. So would it be possible to change the bloodbending permission back to

also if you cant is there a way I can?

What I would do is make a Free item in the shop that automatically gives everybody who already purchased Bloodbending the new bloodbending permission. I'm sure enjin supports that. That way, the players only have to go and get that free item.