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Verified Member
Magma Blocks will be added to the earthbendable list (since it solid, it wouldn't make sense to be lavabent), but it only work for those who have lavabending permission.

Additionally, with lavaflow - it can be turn into lava, by melting the solid rocks that are compacted with the lava in this block to turn it into full-liquid state (speaking from the irl perspective).


Verified Member
Um you do notice that magma is lava not all the way cooled.... So it should be lava bent..... It still have a lava source there. And you can source lava out of regular ground so not letting them source magma would be stupid.


Verified Member
Magma and lava are actually the same thing. Magma is when lava is below the earths surface and lava is when it's above the earths surface. So if you'r bending magma, chances are you're above ground which just makes it lava.


Verified Member
:rolleyes: That was a sassy thing to say! You know that it is just almost cooldown lava... How it is depicted in Minecraft is almost cooled lava.
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Verified Member
I think magma would be a good earth block. But anytime you try to bend it, it just comes out looking like lava. Sorry if my "sass" comes out. That's how I typically respond to sass.


Verified Member

This Block is solid, so making lava bend only would be awkward - because it ain't full liquid. Adding to that, there could be an ability like MagmaShift - changes blocks into earth.

Magma and lava are actually the same thing. Magma is when lava is below the earths surface and lava is when it's above the earths surface. So if you'r bending magma, chances are you're above ground which just makes it lava.
In minecraft, they aren't.

Magma Blocks are light-emitting naturally occurring blocks found in the Nether that cause fire damage when stepped on.
Lava is a dangerous fluid block. It can be used as a light source and a weapon.
See. I don't know why are you bringing IRL definitions, when they aren't exact to the game. While you're at, will you give scientific reasons why bending shouldn't exist? :p


Verified Member
Your explaination makes no sense.... In the show it has been shown many times that they can make the ground into lava and use it as a lava source... So a magma block is a lava block that has almost been cooled down, so there is still lava in there that is why you get burned when you step on it..


Verified Member
Your explaination makes no sense.... In the show it has been shown many times that they can make the ground into lava and use it as a lava source... So a magma block is a lava block that has almost been cooled down, so there is still lava in there that is why you get burned when you step on it..
"In the show".... Did you know that in the show, there's no such thing substance that is solid named after the "magma" term. I did say that it will be earthbendable block, but only for those that have lavabending permission.

Since it's not liquid block, so I think it would be good block for the utilization of some earthbendable abilities such as: shockwave (would deal extra damage by the block), earthblast, raiseearth and ect.

Not to be a party pooper, but lavabending is called LAVA-bending. Adding magma to the list for that particular sub-skill would just ruin the name of it. I know that this factor is not the most important and no one would care, but that's one of points I wanted to share for my reasons.

Again, it is not liquid. I don't how would that work out for lavabending, because bending those blocks don't sound liquid-ish to be in this type of bending form.


Verified Member
How tf do you think Bolin made lava??? FROM THE FREAKING GROUND!!! He usually did it in large quantities but you can turn some earth into lava and use it as a projectile. And I don't care what you think magma is, it is lava in whatever form it is. So yes it should able to be used as a source for lava bending.


Verified Member
BOLIN CERTAINLY DID NOT WALK ON LAVA! How do freaking expect for him to walk on magma too?? Well, I don't care what you care, but what you're saying makes no goddam sense.

Whoops wrong thread :p I don't get what you are actually trying to conclude. I know he made lava and all I'm saying magma is a different substance as in different form, so why are you raging? Magma isn't alike from real life magma. You can WALK IN IT and have only one heart lost. Like Tyler said, magma and lava is the same thing irl. Lava in minecraft isn't that far-fetched - it's difficult to survive from it. The Fact which says that it naturally occursn nether, a mystical place, which further shows that this block is more of a fictional substance then a real one. The Only similarity it shares from the real magma - it isn't a good thing that you should step on it.
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Verified Member
I think lavabending should be using the magma block as the "lava". The reason lavabending is so annoying and op is because it is the actual lava block. The lava block does 2 hearts per tick making it op. Using this magma block would make lava bending better.


Verified Member
I am your saying you have to have a lava source to do a lava move. And I'm saying magma should be a lava source, but Bolin shown led you can make lava straight from the ground anyways so lava bending shouldn't even need actual lava as its source.


Verified Member
I am your saying you have to have a lava source to do a lava move. And I'm saying magma should be a lava source, but Bolin shown led you can make lava straight from the ground anyways so lava bending shouldn't even need actual lava as its source.
So? I was suggesting to make magma earthbendable and that there would be an ability that can turn earth into magma (similar to lavaflow).


Verified Member
Ooooh Like a move like Lava Flux but it's called Magma Flux... Or it's an addition to Lava Flux. You can turn the ground to lava or turn it to magma :eek:


Verified Member
I think lavabending should be using the magma block as the "lava". The reason lavabending is so annoying and op is because it is the actual lava block. The lava block does 2 hearts per tick making it op. Using this magma block would make lava bending better.
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