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Watermanipulation: Stream

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Verified Member
I think the combustion would do some physical exhaustion. Yes they say she "firebends with her mind," but with Combustion Man and P'Li, they take deep breaths and seem to "push" the combustion out of their head. They are probably using that air they breath in to push pressure in their head to release the combustion. Eventually this pressure would have some effect to your physical stability I would think. I haven't tested this so I would not know for sure.


Verified Member
When people are waiting for a duration to go up, they think of it as a way to make the move less OP. I think when they think of fatigue they are thinking of potion effects rather than a move cooldown, even though the cooldown commonly represents the fatigue.


Verified Member
When people are waiting for a duration to go up, they think of it as a way to make the move less OP. I think when they think of fatigue they are thinking of potion effects rather than a move cooldown, even though the cooldown commonly represents the fatigue.
Representing Fatigue as a potion effect should be more of a vanilla aspect of the game, rather than it being exclusive to bending. I prefer cooldown more because they only affect bending and not other stuff. While it would be logical to add weakness effect to the ability, I don't think it would go very well - everyone can get fatigue in a different rate and not the same abilities can make the individual tired.
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