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Denied A better thought of Remote Waterbending

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Verified Member
I thought of a better way than my last one method in "selecting a source withut looking at it". One of the person I argued had a good valid point that "[waterbenders need] to acknowledg-e/(ing) the water is there. You have to know the water is there to bend" and I can agree on that even when it is in-game. So I thought of a better way by adding a command, which would be a new thing in the plugin that (the command) could alter one's bending.
With a command, like llets say
//source selection [x-y] <North/East/South/West>
//look for source[x-y] <North/East/South/West>
, this will let the player "feel" (notifying throught the chat) if there is water by the selected radius with the use of waterbending.
<> - optional | [] - required

The x is the number of the blocks player away cant click to indentify a source and y is a random number (greater than x). Within the [x-y] square brackets, you type the number of the radius, ranging from-to between this variable ,that you are looking for water . If <...> paramenter is including, the source will be searched on that direction that was provided in the command. If the source is detected, it can be then be selected by just clicking while pointing at something non-source thing and when the move is exuceted, a elementwhip will be heading towards the bender from the source, and if no obstancles are in the way the move is then performed succesfully.

Eg: Lets say the x and y is 8 and 19. I (as a waterbender) type in the chat: //look for source 17; Message pops in the chat and it shows only to me that "You can feel the water's presence You can feel how it flows... how it's soft". Now that I know that there is water from me within 17 blocks, I can now select that source, which is far away, by lmb/shift while my crossheir is pointing a block. If I was, for example, left clicked while torrent is selected, I could hold shift to drag a one block stream of water to form myself a torrent. Now I can easily

As I found out that in now one of the recent betas, the auto sourcing was changed that you don't need to click at a source when only right next to the water. With this, it could collaborate even more as a great dynamic to waterbending, while still limiting from being to op and allowing them to select an specific area from where to bent water from with this ideal method.
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Verified Member
So people could simply just put in a range of 80 blocks and just get water flying at them from across an arena?
Ofcourse not. I'll leave it to devs the number from how far a bender can select the source. Like the number could be typed from 15-30.


Verified Member
the maximium limited distance would exist, and if the number is typed beyond the max the command won't be exucuted.


Verified Member
Why would you even give them a range? Everyone would just use the largest number possible..
Oh, I got it now what you meant. Thats true, since they can just use the maxium one to search for all availables sources that is possible within and behind that llimited rage. But if a player would want to pick a closest specific source possible, they would have to type the lowest number.
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Verified Member
Here's a solution to prevent them from typing the maximium number: make it so that the number they type in, that source will be selected that is only in that block distance nor less and nor further.
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Verified Member
Like if I type /source selection 22 north, it will search the source only specificly on 22 block away from you. The Width (from your left to right) of the direction could be like 11 blocks for the detection.


Verified Member
As a highly experienced waterbender, i happen to love balance in every aspect of bending. the idea of being frozen for as long as your opponent desires... just sounds... well unbalanced to say the least, especially when caught in a suffocation
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Verified Member
As a highly experienced waterbender, i happen to love balance in every aspect of bending. the idea of being frozen for as long as your opponent desires... just sounds... well unbalanced to say the least, especially when caught in a suffocation
Buddy, I think you comment on a wrong thread. You were trying to post in "Ice should not freeze while it is controlled by a waterbender or smth" . Am I right? :p

P.S I think that the title is wrong. It should had been "Ice should not melt <...>"
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