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Need to stop people from using Combustion.


Verified Member
Hello. I was editing the config today to better fit my server. I intend to have each elemental "leader have a special move." As such i op'd combustion. Unfortunatley i am using pex and i can't seem to make people unable to use it. I need to remove the permission for it. please help. the command i used was /pex group default remove bending.ability.Combustion.


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PermissionsEx is pretty touchy when it comes to permissions. Could you post your actual permission file so I could take a look at it? (It should be in /plugins/PermissionsEx/permissions.yml)


Verified Member
Type /pex group default add -bending.ability.Combustion
If you add "-" to the beginning of a permission it'll deny them from being able to use it.


Verified Member
Ninja. I tried that aswell. it didn't work to stop my friend. (sidenote he was a firebender and i did /bending remove (playername.) then i set the negative permission and gave him back fire bending. he could still use it.

StrangeOne. I will find and post my config tomorrow after i get up. please comment on this so i get an email reminder to do so.


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Try /pex group default add "-bending.fire.combustion" AND /pex group default add "-bending.ability.combustion".


Verified Member
It Worked. Thank You VERY much. so you have to block the elemental move as well as the bending move. i will remember that. Also, could you tell me how i could make air bubble and water bubble not need shift? I would greatly appreciate it.


Staff member
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Verified Member
It Worked. Thank You VERY much. so you have to block the elemental move as well as the bending move. i will remember that. Also, could you tell me how i could make air bubble and water bubble not need shift? I would greatly appreciate it.
You cannot


Verified Member
Thanks Finn I'll try. If that doesn't work i'll post my official config.
ok so the in-game command is definatly "/pex user [name] add -bending.permission.combustion" if this doesnt work theres a problem with your pex and you'll need to go into the permissions.yml file to edit the spacing, making sure that its 4 spaces and not a tab! it messed up with me too some time ago and this is the only way i found that worked :):) hope i helped too :D