Verified Member
So i was wondering something, I know many of you didn't like my previous sugestions and that is fine. but i have been watching the Avatar the last airbender searies. (i was rather unknowledgable on the show since this plugin got me to watch it.) and i realized that some moves are a little strange. The first thing i noticed is that the tornado which is implemented in this plugin only works while shifting and being very precise. in the show their are many times when Aang summons up a gust of air quickly that throws enemies outward, sometimes even picking them up. Shouldn't we have a move that allows us to create a stationairy tornado (perhaps whirlwind since tornado already exists) which can be activated quickly to remove enemies from near by. I realize air shield does this to an extent but as it can be activated imediately in quick sucestion without cooldown and yet doesn't push enemies very far, nor block any elemental attacks, I think a move that pushes them much farther with longer cooldown would be more fair to airbenders. (ps, i have playd all bending types for a while and it feels like air is pretty helpless, they need standard gear in order to fight well on flat ground and deal minimal damage.)