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Fixed Benders can bend subelements without permission

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Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Problem: Players can bend and use abilities of subelements they don't have permission for. Example: An earthbender without "bending.earth.lavabending" can still use lavabending.

What should happen: If they don't have access to the right permission, they shouldn't be able to use it even when they have bending.ability.<ability>

Version: 1.7.0 Beta 12


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I believe they are all default, so you have to add -bending.earth.lavabending, etc.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I believe they are all default, so you have to add -bending.earth.lavabending, etc.
I have added the negative perm in the permissions file. It still doesn't work.

My current permissions file (relating to bending that is):
- bending.earth
- bending.fire
- bending.water
- bending.air
- bending.chi
- bending.command.choose.*
- bending.player
- -bending.command.rechoose
- -bending.admin
- -bending.earth.sandbending
- -bending.earth.metalbending
- -bending.earth.lavabending
- -bending.air.flight
- -bending.air.spiritualprojection
- -bending.fire.combustionbending
- -bending.fire.lightningbending
- -bending.water.bloodbending
- -bending.admin.*
- -bending.ability.elementsphere
- -bending.ability.spiritbeam
- -bending.ability.avatarstate
- -bending.avatar
- bending.*
- bending.ability.*
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