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Denied Water Revamp

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Verified Member
It has been shown many many MANY times that a waterbender can do multiple things. Its also shown that they can pull water and have it surrounding you for defense or until later. Im suggesting that we change the shifting feature with waterbending.

So how would we change the shifting feature in waterbending? I say we make watermanipulation like the show, where you manipulate water to your will. Once you do watermanipulation, the water starts to swirl around you. At that point, you can release shift and start moving around like normal with water surrounding you for later use. Moves like OctopusForm and Surge Shield still require you to hold shift.

NOTE: Watermanipulation will still do damage, but only if you tap shift instead of holding shift. Of course you can still waterbend normally when you tap shift with moves like ice spike and add ons. For add ons, we would add a config. if it causes water to swirl around you and if its a one time only move.

If you are worried about bottlebending, it will work like nornal. If you want to have water around you, it would be the same process, but (Hold shift with watermanipulation/torrent and left click) it would cost a config. amount of bottles.

If you use watermanipulation (Which is now hold shift at a source and left click), a stream of water will follow you until you use it. So we would make watermanipulation the start of all moves. Lets imagine this.

You use watermanipulation and a stream like torrent follows you and starts swirling around you and you walk normally. You see a fireblast coming your way, so you go to surge and you activate Surge Shield. The fireblast is gone, so you release shift from surge shield and the water stream comes back at you again. The firebender is now shooting 2 fireblasts at you and you counter it with 2 watermanipulations. Oh no! You only have one more projectile move before you have to get more water! You go to Torrent and you shoot it at the firebender, freezing him and now you have to get more water.

As you can see from that story, you can only use a certain amount of projectile water moves before you run out. Surge wave and Torrent Wave/Shot will drain you completely of water. OctopusForm will give you water back, but you still have to hold shift. As far as default moves, watermanipulation, torrent, surge shield and octopusform will cause reusable water. Redirecting watermanipulations and icespike is still a thing. What you would have to do (if you have water around you) is to hold shift on whatever move you want to redirect and left click. You can even shoot your own watermanipulations and redirect at the same time. The thing about shooting water at people is if it misses, you wont get it back. And if you have 8 blocks of water (normal torrent) and you do 4 watermanipulation, when you do a move that requires all of your water source, it will be smaller/weaker. This will make waterbending like this involve skill.

This will give waterbenders what they wanted for a long time, a fluid battle system. And it can solve the limitations of being a waterbender if you arent permitted to have bottles in lets say an arena.

This will not be OP because you can only use a certain amount of moves before you need more water and some moves are one time only.

@HydroMan @paris0901 @Taiko the Waterbender @Hero

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Verified Member
Just to note, Kiams revamp will still be around, this is just adding to it.


Verified Member
This is basically making bottle bending without the bottles, honestly how would that not be op?
Because you are limited to only that stream of water. Some moves make you use the entire stream while others allow a X amount of moves before you need to get more water. I was thinking about making moves cost X amount of bottles.


Verified Member
Because you are limited to only that stream of water. Some moves make you use the entire stream while others allow a X amount of moves before you need to get more water. I was thinking about making moves cost X amount of bottles.
I still find it way to op.

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
I do like this! In ALL fight we saw Kya waterbend, she NEVER used bottles: she used WaterArms, Torrent, Surge, WaterWave, WaterGimbal by never losing water, but by just adding more to that she already had. I agree with this, although I think you shouldn't be able to use Torrent after using Manips.


Verified Member
I do like this! In ALL fight we saw Kya waterbend, she NEVER used bottles: she used WaterArms, Torrent, Surge, WaterWave, WaterGimbal by never losing water, but by just adding more to that she already had. I agree with this, although I think you shouldn't be able to use Torrent after using Manips.
Ok, maybe after using a projectile move, the water around you looks "weak". So the the water around you will have less water blocks.


Verified Member
What's the difference between this and Bottlebending?
Didn't your read the bottom half?
  1. Not all arenas give bottles.
  2. Just because we have bottles, it doesn't mean we can add a battle system. Kya could do this, and im pretty sure she can use bottles.
  3. Im thinking of changing bottlebending to limiting to a few moves.


Verified Member
Didn't your read the bottom half?
Not all arenas give bottles.
More than likely for a reason, and this is also why we have sources we can use. It's the servers responsibility to support bottlebending, not ours.
Just because we have bottles, it doesn't mean we can add a battle system. Kya could do this, and im pretty sure she can use bottles.
When you already have this capability given to you in another form there is no reason to recreate it. If you watch the show, most often the Waterbenders who do such a thing have a bottle that they bring this source from. If not, they are dragging the move they are about to use with them, then launching it. Though that may sound like what you're suggesting, it's not. What you're suggesting is that you can bring the source with you, launching it whenever you feel the need to. Not just for one move, but for most. And even though you put some limits onto it, it can still become over powered.

I'd suggest remaking this post, to be honest, but change it up so people can't tell you it's bottlebending without the bottles.
This is going to be denied.
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