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water spout and air spout

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I have a suggestion to make things prettier.

When using waterspout, in diagonal circles around the spout there should be white particles to represent the water being constantly moved. Like waves on the spout, quad these diagonal circles of white particles would be moving in random directions, following the spout. These white particles could be cloud, white redstonedust, or white spell particles.

And for airspout there would be the same thing, except greyish particles going in diagonal circles are random places in the spout. Those could be grey redstonedust, or grey spell particles.

Because who doesn't love aesthetics? :p


Verified Member
I have a suggestion to make things prettier.

When using waterspout, in diagonal circles around the spout there should be white particles to represent the water being constantly moved. Like waves on the spout, quad these diagonal circles of white particles would be moving in random directions, following the spout. These white particles could be cloud, white redstonedust, or white spell particles.

And for airspout there would be the same thing, except greyish particles going in diagonal circles are random places in the spout. Those could be grey redstonedust, or grey spell particles.

Because who doesn't love aesthetics? :p
Orion or someone like that made a code so waterspout has a water block vortex ;) It was epic...


Verified Member
Your signature is a perfect showing of my suggestion xD
Use it if you want. ;) Maybe Orion can code it again! I was thinking particles, but little particles are boring and alot can cause lag. The water block vortex was cool and all, but it made water spout very big.


Verified Member
You're a graphic artist, but you don't seem to care about most of the aesthetics xD
Because i don't see the need in wasting time to work on aesthetics (especially on moves that already look more then fine) unless absolutely necessary.
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Methods.displayColoredParticle(loc, type, hexVal, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset);
This one line of code, with a few given variables, would be able to accomplish my suggestion, so it wouldn't be wasting time. I bet any one of the Dev's could code the needed code in a matter of minutes ( I couldn't ).


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For example, one thing I've programmed recently, for a rather simple animation, requires this every second.

double d1 = 0.1570796326794897D;
double d2 = 0.06283185307179587D;
double d3 = 1.0D;
double d4 = 1.0D;
Location localLocation1 = player.getLocation();
double d5 = d1 * i;
double d6 = d2 * i;
newY = (localLocation1.getY() + 1.0D + d4 * Math.cos(d6));
double d7 = localLocation1.getX() + d4 * Math.cos(d5);
double d8 = localLocation1.getZ() + d4 * Math.sin(d5);
Location localLocation2 = new Location(player.getWorld(), d7, newY, d8);
i += 1.0D / d3;


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
For example, one thing I've programmed recently, for a rather simple animation, requires this every second.

double d1 = 0.1570796326794897D;
double d2 = 0.06283185307179587D;
double d3 = 1.0D;
double d4 = 1.0D;
Location localLocation1 = player.getLocation();
double d5 = d1 * i;
double d6 = d2 * i;
newY = (localLocation1.getY() + 1.0D + d4 * Math.cos(d6));
double d7 = localLocation1.getX() + d4 * Math.cos(d5);
double d8 = localLocation1.getZ() + d4 * Math.sin(d5);
Location localLocation2 = new Location(player.getWorld(), d7, newY, d8);
i += 1.0D / d3;
....I'll go sit in the corner now...


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Verified Member
What about a twisting water animation instead of... cloud?... particles.
I said cloud because it's white, and when you look at Unulaqs spout (not shown) then you'll see what I'm talking about.
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