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Complete Lava Cool

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Verified Member
So, recently I realized that Earth has no way of cooling lava. That kind of confused me to be honest, which is why I am suggesting this.

How it works:

Click at a lava source to cool it into obsidian.

Proof of move:

Thanks, I hope it makes sense why I suggested this... :p

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Verified Member
The reason it cools is because all the lava moves just tell the block(s) to switch between lava and earth with out any detection of the block's current state other than being earthbendable or not. In a way it's a glitch


Verified Member
I feel like because it would be better as an addon to a move already created just because It doesn't really have many uses other then cooling lava.
Or maybe you could come up with more uses? because i can see why lavabenders would need this.


Verified Member
The configuration allows the lava cool time to be extended indefinitely. This is more or less something to take up with the server owner.
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