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A: Look back at the guy's comments. Rudeness is not the half of it. In addition, if he actually bothered to read my comments, he wouldn't repeat himself so much. Also his spoiler tag Is just wrong, not all avatars would have mastered flight based on his premise.First off, you do not need to be rude. Second he doesn't have to do anything.
If you haven't, that suggests that the move wasn't being used correctly, or the airshield was not fully formed yet. And no, airbending was shown to block airbending pretty well in the show. All the elements do in fact, they block their own element pretty well. Or have a way to dodge or redirect.
B: I've been sitting on a ledge with airshield up for a good ten to twenty seconds, when an earthbender catapults up and kills me with 4 earthblasts. This has happened more than once. Similarly for waterbending. Also, notice that the coding says that airshield Doesn't block airswipe, which is BS in my opinion. Physics and logic suggest that the blade of air would be directed in the airflow of the airshield around the airbender, rather than passing through unnaffected, along with airblast, airsuction and all the rest. Not a single air move is blocked, whereas you state that airbending blocks airbending, so really, your statement actually agrees with me.