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My suggestion is to add drip water particles to water moves (not ice or blood) like torrent and watermanip when they hit an opponent to create a splash effect, and other moves like waterspout (spout) and surgeshield and octopus form just to add a little effect and make it look purty.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Also it would be nice if when using FastSwim, two rows of particles shot out behind you to simulate the fact you are going fast.
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Verified Member
No please I hate that effect and it takes a long time for it to fade away.
Nah it's only a short time. Don't worry.
Probably a good idea to make it configurable through particle settings though. That's some good input, nice work man.


Verified Member
The dripWater effect takes a long time to fade compared to most other particle effects.
Great post. Thats a really good point you have there. We should do what you say. Especially now that you have explained your point of view so clearly


Verified Member
My suggestion is to add drip water particles to water moves (not ice or blood) like torrent and watermanip when they hit an opponent to create a splash effect, and other moves like waterspout (spout) and surgeshield and octopus form just to add a little effect and make it look purty.
*cough* drip water particles *cough*


Verified Member
Yes but there is a particle effect with the name DRIPWATER so OBVIOUSLY I was assuming he meant that particle.
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