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Denied ObjectBending

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Verified Member
In The Legend of Korra, Zaheer was able to levitate himself. Why wouldn't special airbenders then be able to levitate others, like telekinesis?

It should not be like BloodBending but like levitation. Smooth levitation like you make your target fly! They should still be able to bend since you arent controlling their inside.

I know it wasn't in the show but I think it'd be great! + it kind of makes sense.

Hope anyone likes my idea:)


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
In The Legend of Korra, Zaheer was able to levitate himself. Why wouldn't special airbenders then be able to levitate others, like telekinesis?

It should not be like BloodBending but like levitation. Smooth levitation like you make your target fly! They should still be able to bend since you arent controlling their inside.

I know it wasn't in the show but I think it'd be great! + it kind of makes sense.

Hope anyone likes my idea:)
The way YOU explained it, makes 0 sense.


Verified Member
Why do u guys have to be so fucking rude? Like srsly? Gtfo this post if u don't have anything good to say.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Why do u guys have to be so fucking rude? Like srsly? Gtfo this post if u don't have anything good to say.
So you only want people on this thread who say "Yae add this!". Welcome to the real world. This plugin is based on The Last Airbender and The Legend Of Korra. I see how you came up with this idea, but you can use airstream already.


Verified Member
In The Legend of Korra, Zaheer was able to levitate himself. Why wouldn't special airbenders then be able to levitate others, like telekinesis?

It should not be like BloodBending but like levitation. Smooth levitation like you make your target fly! They should still be able to bend since you arent controlling their inside.

I know it wasn't in the show but I think it'd be great! + it kind of makes sense.

Hope anyone likes my idea:)
Did you watch the show or just hear about it?


Verified Member
I don't wanna hear insults. Be free to say whatever u want about the idea but don't u dare insult me for my idea.


Verified Member
Why do u guys have to be so fucking rude? Like srsly? Gtfo this post if u don't have anything good to say.
Try not to take it personally that people are calling this idea bad. Unfortunately for you, the point of the suggestions thread is to make a suggestion, then get feedback to see whether or not the staff will accept it. That means any kind of feedback. It keeps unnecessary or bad ideas from being implemented.
For example, this isn't that great of an idea, because we already have a move that sort of does this, and airbending someone around is hardly like telekinesis at all. They let you know that your move was bad, and you sort of started a fight with them, which isn't going to get this thread anywhere.
They have been rude about their feedback, but they're right. This is not a good idea.
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