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New item - Red lotus venom

Should this be implemented?

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Verified Member
Cool idea. I think I can add on to it a bit, though. *SPOILERS* In the show, it wasn't splashed on the Korra, it was literally 'bended' into her. I think that a Metalbender could have a new move, maybe called Convert.
The recipe for the venom would make a potion, not a splash potion. The Metalbender would be able to bend from that bottle with the venom. Similar to bottle bending for Waterbenders, but it doesn't come back. A Metalbender would use Convert by left clicking, a coal block would be launch at where he clicked. The coal block would be the venom coming from the bottle. You could only use Convert if you had the bottle.


Verified Member
Cool idea. I think I can add on to it a bit, though. *SPOILERS* In the show, it wasn't splashed on the Korra, it was literally 'bended' into her. I think that a Metalbender could have a new move, maybe called Convert.
The recipe for the venom would make a potion, not a splash potion. The Metalbender would be able to bend from that bottle with the venom. Similar to bottle bending for Waterbenders, but it doesn't come back. A Metalbender would use Convert by left clicking, a coal block would be launch at where he clicked. The coal block would be the venom coming from the bottle. You could only use Convert if you had the bottle.
In the show it was silver so it should launch an iron block or something


Verified Member
Poison Potatoes aren't hard to obtain at all. This should be a pretty end game item, since it's so op.


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Plugin Developer
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Or we could use Wither or just make people effected by the ability die from poison.
Or you can use a timed task that applies damage with a repeating delay:
new BukkitRunnable(){
            public void run() {
                Methods.damageEntity(player, target, 1);
        }.runTaskTimer(ProjectKorra.plugin, 0L, 60L); //Damage every 60 ticks aka 3 seconds.


Verified Member
Our plugin has custom crafting recipes for Grappling Hooks
haha dident you like"borrow" that from another hookshoot pllugin? since i saw one that did exactly the same thing as this on in this plugin, even sounds the same if im not wrong :p


Verified Member
So *MAJOR SPOILERS* In the season finale they poison korra using a metal based poison. Here's my suggestion:

Name: Lotus venom
Type: item
How to obtain: crafting recipe
Effect: When used on a normal player they will slowly take damage. (not like wither or something just have like an npc hitting them *invisible* while the hit rate being 1 half heart per 3 seconds)Unless cured by a metalbender using extraction on them. When it is used on the avatar it will force them into a weaker version of the avatar state (lower regeneration less strength etc.) while immune to the poison.After a configurable amount of time (3 minutes is best) they would be forced out of the avatar-state and get debuffs (slowness weakness etc.) and also start taking damage from the poison. Until they are cured by a metalbender.
How to use on players: This would be a splash potion kind of thing (just with a smaller area and only affecting 1 person within the area)
Recipe: R = rose S = seed PP = poisonous potato (hard to obtain) X = nothing GB = glass bottle I = Iron
Usable by: everyone.
Medicine: Only way to cure this is to get a metalbender to extract it out of you.
BTW, the venom is actually murcury


Verified Member
I feel like the said "convert" ability should take time like how suffocate is, probably a bit longer considering the danger of this technique. Also to those graphical designers and developers, can the moving "poison" iron block give off a gray particle effect? Anything to possibly give it that "liquid" touch. :)


Verified Member
I feel like the said "convert" ability should take time like how suffocate is, probably a bit longer considering the danger of this technique. Also to those graphical designers and developers, can the moving "poison" iron block give off a gray particle effect? Anything to possibly give it that "liquid" touch. :)
Maybe a heavy concentrate of linear, gray particles snaking themselves towards the target?


Verified Member
Also I don't like the idea of having poisonous potatoes in its recipe because Mercury Metal is already an element in the periodic system.

I understand you wanted it there because it doesn't make sense for normal iron to poison someone... Anyways I hope you figure something out and Good Luck:)


Verified Member
Also I don't like the idea of having poisonous potatoes in its recipe because Mercury Metal is already an element in the periodic system.

I understand you wanted it there because it doesn't make sense for normal iron to poison someone... Anyways I hope you figure something out and Good Luck:)
Adam it's impossible to reach that high a level realism, so it's probably best to lower your standards a bit


Verified Member
Well I just tried since everyone replying to my posts are trying to be 100% logical and the things have to make 100% sense...
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