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New item - Red lotus venom

Should this be implemented?

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So *MAJOR SPOILERS* In the season finale they poison korra using a metal based poison. Here's my suggestion:

Name: Lotus venom
Type: item
How to obtain: crafting recipe
Effect: When used on a normal player they will slowly take damage. (not like wither or something just have like an npc hitting them *invisible* while the hit rate being 1 half heart per 3 seconds)Unless cured by a metalbender using extraction on them. When it is used on the avatar it will force them into a weaker version of the avatar state (lower regeneration less strength etc.) while immune to the poison.After a configurable amount of time (3 minutes is best) they would be forced out of the avatar-state and get debuffs (slowness weakness etc.) and also start taking damage from the poison. Until they are cured by a metalbender.
How to use on players: This would be a splash potion kind of thing (just with a smaller area and only affecting 1 person within the area)
Recipe: R = rose S = seed PP = poisonous potato (hard to obtain) X = nothing GB = glass bottle I = Iron
Usable by: everyone.
Medicine: Only way to cure this is to get a metalbender to extract it out of you.
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Verified Member
Forgot to add: If an avatar dies via this poison they'd lose their ability to go into the avatar-state until someone (probably a healer that gets energybending somehow XD) energybends them giving their ability to use avatarstate again.


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It would be more logical to me to have just the poison effect given to the player instead of creating an invisible npc to hit the player, which would take a lot of development just to get a basic version of.


Verified Member
It would be more logical to me to have just the poison effect given to the player instead of creating an invisible npc to hit the player, which would take a lot of development just to get a basic version of.
But it's supposed to be slow acting like in the show. it's also supposed to kill you. poison doesn't kill you.


Verified Member
It would be more logical to me to have just the poison effect given to the player instead of creating an invisible npc to hit the player, which would take a lot of development just to get a basic version of.
Perhap you could make this an add-on that would only work if you had NPC's installed or something like that.


Verified Member
I realize you have already created the crafting recipe, but after all of this has been combined together, what is it going to form into? I doubt a user will just drink the potion, so I am thinking a splash potion? Anyway, you should incorporate a glass bottle as well if you are planning on making it a splash potion. I don't think its realistic if you pull a glass bottle out of no where to put this in for the final result. If it is not going to be any type of potion that you can throw/drink, can you explain what object you are thinking about using?


Verified Member
And I'd also like to say that poisonous potatoes really aren't hard to get at all. All you need is a big potato farm and you're bound to get at least one after a harvest or two. Another thing would probably be to add iron or another precious stone to your crafting, since the venom is metallic. This should also probably be an add on with a specific move dedicated to transporting this poison.


Verified Member
I realize you have already created the crafting recipe, but after all of this has been combined together, what is it going to form into? I doubt a user will just drink the potion, so I am thinking a splash potion? Anyway, you should incorporate a glass bottle as well if you are planning on making it a splash potion. I don't think its realistic if you pull a glass bottle out of no where to put this in for the final result. If it is not going to be any type of potion that you can throw/drink, can you explain what object you are thinking about using?
If you read the article again it says it's a splash potion
And I'd also like to say that poisonous potatoes really aren't hard to get at all. All you need is a big potato farm and you're bound to get at least one after a harvest or two. Another thing would probably be to add iron or another precious stone to your crafting, since the venom is metallic. This should also probably be an add on with a specific move dedicated to transporting this poison.
The reason i put poisonous potatoes is because then it'd be a bit harder to obtain.


Verified Member
Something like...
Let me clear some things up Rose = Red lotus plant, PP = The poison substance in it, GB = containing the poison, Seeds = Herbs needed to stabilize the poison. The poison is metallic because of lotus plant. So no metal would be needed. Also i hope this post helps other people kind of clarify what the materials were and why they were needed.


Verified Member
There's a slight fault with your idea.
Red Lotus Poison IS metal. That's why it's metalbent. Those are ingredient for a waterbendable potion.
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