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Denied New blood move: Levitation

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Yeah, either somebody create this or deny this, it is still a stupid idea and will be represented as such for the however long it stays on these forums.


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shut up please. if its not constructive critisism, pipe down. plex.
You mind telling yourself that on every thread you go into? Hey, just constructive criticism here. Not the shut up part, just the constructive criticism part. You and I both have a problem with that.


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Well there probably isn't enough earth in the gloves to be able to effectively fly. So no. Now if a bender were skilled like bumi or toph, they could in theory lift themselves if they put earth around their body.


Verified Member
Well there probably isn't enough earth in the gloves to be able to effectively fly. So no. Now if a bender were skilled like bumi or toph, they could in theory lift themselves if they put earth around their body.
Nah, all they really need is the boots or the gloves, and it wouldn't need to be somebody like bumi or toph, it could take a second rate bender like Lin Beifong probably, theoretically. The gloves would be more effective since earthbenders mostly bend from their feet.


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Not really because there would be no stability. Youd just be dangling from the gloves.


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This move is like pulling a rope, that's attached to a plank you are standing on, trying to levitate yourself ._. Sorry, but this move is not correct…


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This move is like pulling a rope, that's attached to a plank you are standing on, trying to levitate yourself ._. Sorry, but this move is not correct…
That has nothing in common with this, trying to lift yourself like that will never work. But bloodbending isn't like that. If you pull a string that is attached to a plank under another person, do they levitate up? Nope. If you control the water inside of you, you could lift yourself up.

You mean the fact that they control themselves completely on just grappling hooks that are usually just held in the metalbenders hand so basically they are dangling from grappling hooks if that wasn't true?
That's a different situation because the grappling hook acts as an extension that actually extends. Earth gloves will be able to lift you up, but you will only be able to bend without movement, like Bumi or Toph did. There is a difference there.


Verified Member
That has nothing in common with this, trying to lift yourself like that will never work. But bloodbending isn't like that. If you pull a string that is attached to a plank under another person, do they levitate up? Nope. If you control the water inside of you, you could lift yourself up.

That's a different situation because the grappling hook acts as an extension that actually extends. Earth gloves will be able to lift you up, but you will only be able to bend without movement, like Bumi or Toph did. There is a difference there.
Earthbenders mainly bend with their feet, therefor they can bend the earth gloves with their feet. Isn't it obvious?


Main issue I'm seeing with this move is that bloodbending doesn't work well with other chi.

To understand quite what I'm getting at here, basic bending theory needs to be looked at. Bending is, at its heart, chi exiting the body, guided by physical motions, and incorporating itself into an element. Said element depends on the origin of the chi. It enters the substance and this substance can now be controlled by the bender from where the chi came from.

Waterbending, therefore, is chi going into water. Bloodbending manipulates the water in the body, so is putting chi into another persons body. Now, here's an interesting observation to make.

Gif 1, bloodbending animals:

Notice the motions of the wolves is very smooth and consistent. Little resistance is shown, despite them clearly wanting to.

Gif 2, bloodbending humans:

Korra is twitching extensively, and no motion here is smooth.

Why is this happening? What is the difference between humans and animals when being bloodbent? The answer is surprisingly simple; all humans have chi, no animals do (barring sky bison, dragons and badger moles).

When bloodbending is used on a human body, the bloodbenders chi comes into contact with the chi of the victim, and things go funny. The twitching, jerkiness and resistance are signs of this, as the victims body has a method of opposing the bloodbenders chi; with their own. This is why a lot of a bloodbender's motions are far more rigid and brutal than compared to traditional waterbending; they're using additional force to make their victim do what they want. Psychic bloodbending eliminates this, but requires an extreme iron will and mental strength to execute properly.

Now, levitation cannot use normal bloodbending to fly; the chi would resist itself and they wouldn't be able to move their limbs to bloodbend to make themselves fly. If a psychic bloodbender, the issue seems to be gone since the limb problem is no longer a factor; you don't need to move your arms, so their paralysis isn't a big deal. However, chi resistance is the key part here that makes it impossible.

Now, some may be thinking "but why would a bloodbender's chi resist itself? That makes no sense Vidcom! FOOL! FOOL!" and you may be right. We have no way of knowing to be perfectly honest. However, going from what we know, this hypothesis cannot be rendered correct or invalid.

Thanks for reading!

TL;DR bloodbending makes victim body say NO. could make bloodbender body say no too???


Verified Member
Main issue I'm seeing with this move is that bloodbending doesn't work well with other chi.

To understand quite what I'm getting at here, basic bending theory needs to be looked at. Bending is, at its heart, chi exiting the body, guided by physical motions, and incorporating itself into an element. Said element depends on the origin of the chi. It enters the substance and this substance can now be controlled by the bender from where the chi came from.

Waterbending, therefore, is chi going into water. Bloodbending manipulates the water in the body, so is putting chi into another persons body. Now, here's an interesting observation to make.

Gif 1, bloodbending animals:

Notice the motions of the wolves is very smooth and consistent. Little resistance is shown, despite them clearly wanting to.

Gif 2, bloodbending humans:

Korra is twitching extensively, and no motion here is smooth.

Why is this happening? What is the difference between humans and animals when being bloodbent? The answer is surprisingly simple; all humans have chi, no animals do (barring sky bison, dragons and badger moles).

When bloodbending is used on a human body, the bloodbenders chi comes into contact with the chi of the victim, and things go funny. The twitching, jerkiness and resistance are signs of this, as the victims body has a method of opposing the bloodbenders chi; with their own. This is why a lot of a bloodbender's motions are far more rigid and brutal than compared to traditional waterbending; they're using additional force to make their victim do what they want. Psychic bloodbending eliminates this, but requires an extreme iron will and mental strength to execute properly.

Now, levitation cannot use normal bloodbending to fly; the chi would resist itself and they wouldn't be able to move their limbs to bloodbend to make themselves fly. If a psychic bloodbender, the issue seems to be gone since the limb problem is no longer a factor; you don't need to move your arms, so their paralysis isn't a big deal. However, chi resistance is the key part here that makes it impossible.

Now, some may be thinking "but why would a bloodbender's chi resist itself? That makes no sense Vidcom! FOOL! FOOL!" and you may be right. We have no way of knowing to be perfectly honest. However, going from what we know, this hypothesis cannot be rendered correct or invalid.

Thanks for reading!

TL;DR bloodbending makes victim body say NO. could make bloodbender body say no too???
Buuuut vidcom, Explain Why Sky Bison can Airbend if they don't have chi!!!!
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