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Bug Report New bug: The confusion bug!


Verified Member
Remember my last bug report where the moves wouldn't work? You guys fixed it but not really. I have been noticing that the public bending server I normally go on has addition moves that aren't made from the Project Korra version they run on but they still work, whereas on my private server, they wont work! They saddens me because I can never try out the newest moves in the resources tab of the site because they are never compatible with ANY Project Korra version I use! Literally I have used over 13 different Project Korra versions and they cant handle the moves I am trying to put into it. Examples: SnowStorm, FireComet, BloodPuppet, Magmablast, Lavaflux and more. Please do something about it, I beg you!
Project Korra versions I have tried: Project Korra 1.5.0 and Project Korra 1.6.0 BETA 1 - 15
EDIT (Editing almost everything): When I do /bending add janny1330 air, /bending add janny1330 water, /bending add janny1330 earth, and /bending add janny1330 fire, I am able to bind the moves. But then after a short while like 1-2 minutes, the server freezes for mere moments like at least 1 second, and now I don't have the elements anymore and I have to add them to myself again.
Version of Spigot: "This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-c3c767f-33d5de3 <MC: 1.9> <Implementing API version 1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT>"
Project Korra Used: Project Korra BETA 15
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Verified Member
Do you mind actually listing what projectkorra versions you have? And having multiple projectkorra versions installed at the same time might just become a problem, but you might just be moving files onto your desktop or something.


Verified Member
Do you mind actually listing what projectkorra versions you have? And having multiple projectkorra versions installed at the same time might just become a problem, but you might just be moving files onto your desktop or something.
Do you really think I am stupid enough to put more than 1 Project Korra in a server?


Verified Member
Do you really think I am stupid enough to put more than 1 Project Korra in a server?
No offense dude, but I try to get the obvious possibility's out of the way before developers go in depth coding or anything like that, Sorry if I offended you. Anyways, another obvious is doing /bending debug and posting that down in the forums.


Verified Member
Guys please help! I want to test the new moves but i cant and I cant because of this bug!!!!!!


Verified Member
What ProjectKorra version are you running?
What version of Bukkit or Spigot are you running?

Do you have the latest WorldGuard?
Is your server 1.8? and PK version 1.6+?

If not, then that may however be your issue. Fire Comet, says it is compatible with 1.8. So Try 1.8 again.
Also, Try the moves separately if you haven't. Some moves are outdated, and can corrupt the other moves.
Thus causing some or all the moves to fail.

If you continue having issues, you need to review over your server files, plugins, and other things that may conflict with ProjectKorra.
Perhaps you have an outdated Bukkit/Spigot Jar running your server?

ProjectKorra 1.6 Needs to run on a server of 1.8, and you need the latest WorldGuard version.
If none of this really helps you, then you need to find more help.
Good Luck.


Verified Member
What ProjectKorra version are you running?
What version of Bukkit or Spigot are you running?

Do you have the latest WorldGuard?
Is your server 1.8? and PK version 1.6+?

If not, then that may however be your issue. Fire Comet, says it is compatible with 1.8. So Try 1.8 again.
Also, Try the moves separately if you haven't. Some moves are outdated, and can corrupt the other moves.
Thus causing some or all the moves to fail.

If you continue having issues, you need to review over your server files, plugins, and other things that may conflict with ProjectKorra.
Perhaps you have an outdated Bukkit/Spigot Jar running your server?

ProjectKorra 1.6 Needs to run on a server of 1.8, and you need the latest WorldGuard version.
If none of this really helps you, then you need to find more help.
Good Luck.
NO ONE told me you are forced to get WorldGuard if you want to use ProjectKorra....


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
NO ONE told me you are forced to get WorldGuard if you want to use ProjectKorra....
You aren't lol.
What ProjectKorra version are you running?
What version of Bukkit or Spigot are you running?

Do you have the latest WorldGuard?
Is your server 1.8? and PK version 1.6+?

If not, then that may however be your issue. Fire Comet, says it is compatible with 1.8. So Try 1.8 again.
Also, Try the moves separately if you haven't. Some moves are outdated, and can corrupt the other moves.
Thus causing some or all the moves to fail.

If you continue having issues, you need to review over your server files, plugins, and other things that may conflict with ProjectKorra.
Perhaps you have an outdated Bukkit/Spigot Jar running your server?

ProjectKorra 1.6 Needs to run on a server of 1.8, and you need the latest WorldGuard version.
If none of this really helps you, then you need to find more help.
Good Luck.
I believe skitz just has some sort of template for bug report comments :p