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Denied Aircombo: air cucoon

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Verified Member
In lok season 3 tensin used a move called air cucoon:scroll down until you find air cucoon:http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Airbending
This move is used for little mobility and mainly defense, basically you wrap yourself in a little tornado-like cucoon to block most attacks and projectiles

Usage:combo:tornado (tap shift)<air shield (hold shift)air suction(hold shift until you want to stop)

Helpful for:dodging, blocking and knocking back attacks

Hope you liked


Verified Member
I don't understand, I belive some moves can hit you though, combustion, octopusform(but not really good), fireblast,torrent,airblast, earthsmash,ect


Verified Member
Ok, but it should be called air cucoon cuz it is a better cannon
no, it shouldn't. *facepalm. Am I the only one who noticed the typo of cucoon? It is cocoon. And besides, it is already a looking into thread, and it is a better name for it because it is more self explanatory.


Verified Member
A cocoon wraps and protects, air wheel doesn't sound self explanatory, if you like that name better you don't need to lie
Air wheel, a move that shields the sides of you and moves you forward, like a wheel. This move apparently has mobility, and is a cocoon. Hm, which seems like a cooler looking and better self explanatory and less overpowered move,


Verified Member
Uh it's the same thing but the explaining, you said it's mobillity sand a cocoon, I said that also
Ok, so you are unable to understand that last part. I will break it down to you.
1. If this is made into a cocoon instead of a wheel, it would lose the distinct shape, and become more overpowered then it should be, and would use less skill to block ability's with.
2. Wheels of air moving quickly will look cooler and more aesthetically pleasing then a fast version of airshield.
3. Read steps 1 and 2.


Verified Member
All projectiles are already blocked with AirShield, adding mobility isn't ideal in its already relatively useful case.
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