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Denied Maelstrom (waterbending)

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Verified Member
Basically if you don't know what a maelstrom is it is a extremely powerful whirlpool. This moves look can be from tornado, it would just be a move to suck the enemies into a trap!

Usage:basically like tornado but you must be in water and it has a charge up.

Strength: none it's just a utillity.

Cool down: none

Example:“Maelstrom: In a large body of water, a waterbender can create a gigantic whirlpool. This technique was executed by Aang and Katara while fighting the serpent." As you see I use quotes, that's legal.

Why it's helpful:for slowing your enemies and for planning your next attack


New Member
Basically if you don't know what a maelstrom is it is a extremely powerful whirlpool. This moves look can be from tornado, it would just be a move to suck the enemies into a trap!
**** you in every way. im already making this. and have been for ages. pfft stealin ma shiz
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Verified Member
It is canon, silly. Katara and Aang made a whirlpool to take down a giant sea serpent near Kyoshi Island and, although not canon but relevant, Katara has a damaging attack called Maelstrom in the videogame.


Verified Member
It is canon, silly. Katara and Aang made a whirlpool to take down a giant sea serpent near Kyoshi Island and, although not canon but relevant, Katara has a damaging attack called Maelstrom in the videogame.
First, Key is it took two people to do that, at least one of which was a master waterbender, so it wouldn't be cannon for it to be just one waterbender. Second, you would need to show what that move actually does and what video game it is from.


Verified Member
First, Key is it took two people to do that, at least one of which was a master waterbender, so it wouldn't be cannon for it to be just one waterbender. Second, you would need to show what that move actually does and what video game it is from.
It's from the first game, but it's not quite what ProjectKorra needs. It's the highest leveled move in Katara's offense attack line and it simply does damage to everything nearby, point being she's one waterbender who made a very small whirlpool. The one Katara and Aang made was rather large.


Verified Member
Well technically katara wasn't a master .neither was aang so yeah, a master waterbender can surely do a maelstrom!!
Well technically with a master saying she is a master, she seems like a master too me. They ran into that serpent with toph, and before they met toph Katara was pretty much master level northern water tribe style waterbender master. And there really isn't any need for a solely knockback move like that, it seems the only function beyond it being either a clone of tornado, twister, or surge, or all of those, is being a lag intensifier.


Verified Member
Denied, It doesn't have any use other then sucking players in. It would need more functionality such as tornado.
The first post didn't give much information, No pictures or aesthetics other then "whirlpool", And I don't think that it would be useful at all given that you'd need to be pretty out there to be deep enough to make a whirlpool that would suck someone in as much as you're suggesting.
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