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Complete Glass Bending

Should Glass Bending be added?

  • Yes, it would be a nice addition to earthbending!

    Votes: 18 52.9%
  • Yes, but maybe a different version?

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • Maybe..

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • No, Earth already has a whole lot of moves.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • Nope

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters
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Verified Member
Well, if it just gets added as earth bendable block, that means that poeple would just shoot just glass earthblasts at someone. That just seem not original. Lavabending has got it's own moves, instead of just adding them to earthbendable blocks. I think if glass bending should get added, it woul dneeds its own special unique moves. And because we haven't seen any glassbending in the series we have no idea how it actually did look, what unique abilities it had and how if it was even powerfull or not. :I
That's mainly because Lavabending is Cannon, and Glass Bending isn't


Verified Member
One last thing, The Legend Of Korra is a Western Cartoon.
Just to get that stuff out of the way.


Verified Member
isnt glass purified sand? so u wouldnt be able to bend it like you cant bend other pure metals like diamond and what not?
sand is basically small peaces glass. l it looks yellow because it has lots of other stuff in it and when it is melted it gets filtered first leaving the peaces of glass left. then they melt it and it then becomes a big peace of glass.


Verified Member
sand is basically small peaces glass. l it looks yellow because it has lots of other stuff in it and when it is melted it gets filtered first leaving the peaces of glass left. then they melt it and it then becomes a big peace of glass.
So basically you could theorize a earthbender is not bending the glass, they are bending the particles next to the glass, something like metalbending, but basically the complete opposite, xD


Verified Member
this shud be a sand bending move where u can turn sand into glass and blast it at the target ad also use reg glass thats already placed


Verified Member
Why are people saying this is a bad idea? Its like metalbending, metal is refined earth and glass is smelted sand which would make it earthbendable because earthbenders can sandbend. Some people say no because there is no sand inside glass. Well if that is the case then there is no earth inside of metal. Glass is a material made from earth supliments same with metal. I vote yes, this would be an amazing addition to earthbending as a sub-element. :D


Verified Member
Why are people saying this is a bad idea? Its like metalbending, metal is refined earth and glass is smelted sand which would make it earthbendable because earthbenders can sandbend. Some people say no because there is no sand inside glass. Well if that is the case then there is no earth inside of metal. Glass is a material made from earth supplements same with metal. I vote yes, this would be an amazing addition to earthbending as a sub-element. :D
And there is metal without earth in the show. Remember Platinum? http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Mecha_tank
In reality, there are a lot more metals that metalbender's would not be able to metalbend like platinum, such as aluminum.


Verified Member
why do you think platinum isn't bend-able
Its about the state of mind. All "earth" is made up of "metals" (defined by the periodic table). In iron, there are no "earth particles" lying the the mix, because iron is a metal extracted by separating it from other materials found in ores.


Verified Member
So metalbending is much more about the state of mind of the earthbender, and how they choose to control said material.


Verified Member
Simply put in all accuracy, Metalbending bends the impurity's in metal, platinum is a highly purified metal so that would be like a metalbender trying to metalbend someone from the iron in their blood. There just isn't enough earth to work with. Now lets see how that correlates to sandbending. Sandbending is bending the particles surrounding the microscopic glass particles in sand, not the other way around. This means that sandbending is difficult because it has the glass there, like how metalbending is difficult because the metal is there. But glass is comparable to platinum in the avatar universe, there is just no realistic way you are going to bend it.
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Verified Member
how metalbending is difficult because the metal is there.
All earth is metal. For Example Limestone (Basic rock) has the chemical formula CaCO3 (Calcium Carbonate). Calcium is a metalic element, and obviously the bender isnt bending Carbon or Oxygen. (Carbon is basically all life, so if an earthbender could bend carbon, they could do some HARDCORE bloodbending. And Oxygen is a gas at room temperature, so that would basically be airbending).

This means that sandbending is difficult because it has the glass there
Glass is just a melted down and changed form of sand, which is just tiny crystals of earth (quartz and small rocks mixed with broken shells).


Verified Member
All earth is metal. For Example Limestone (Basic rock) has the chemical formula CaCO3 (Calcium Carbonate). Calcium is a metalic element, and obviously the bender isnt bending Carbon or Oxygen. (Carbon is basically all life, so if an earthbender could bend carbon, they could do some HARDCORE bloodbending. And Oxygen is a gas at room temperature, so that would basically be airbending).

Glass is just a melted down and changed form of sand, which is just tiny crystals of earth (quartz and small rocks mixed with broken shells).
Dude, stop trying to look at this scientifically and look at it realistically. Metal bending has been shown, time in and time out, to be a Earthbender bending the impuritys in the metal. We have never seen a Earthbender bend glass. Glass in minecraft is smelted, in the same way iron ore is. Sand is already difficult to bend, comparable to metal bending. Would it be that far of a stretch to think a Earthbender would be unable to bend glass? No it is not.
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