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Firecombo: FireBarrage

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Verified Member
Element: Fire
Combo: Click Fireblast, Click Blaze, Click Blaze, Click Fireblast. Small fireballs the equivelent size of a discharge if not smaller would have a range as long as fireblast and each do a heart of damage, no burn damage. This would stop after four FireBalls.This would come in quick sequence, one after another. If you let it go straight, it will go to the size of torrent when it is placed, Fireball to fireball to fireball to fireball. This could be spread out slightly, but never more then 89 degrees to the left or right from when you start.
Cannon times: At 0:20 in that video,
At 0:47 in this video.
At 1:31 in this video.
At 2:17 Zhao fires off tons of fireblasts at once, at least 3 at a time, and all seem to be knockout blows.
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Verified Member
You are completely blind. The times for each firebarrage is above the video, not below it. At 0:47 in that video you see a firebarrage.
*checks the third video 100 times*.... nope ,all i can see his zuko lying on katara ,lol


Verified Member
How would this be different from icebullet you may ask? Well, icebullet was shown basically one time, and this has been shown in every fight with a firebender minus combustion benders, and is a key part of firebending, and is more damaging. This was shown in probending, at 2:25, maybe a little before or after.


I like the idea, only real fault in this post is the last video has a typo, the barrage is at 1:31, not 0:31 :p


Verified Member
I don't think of this as a 'barrage' of fire.. I think of it more of a bunch of fire punches.. Maybe name change?
Barrage to me is more of rapid spam that isn't from the same source, like a bunch of firebenders shootin' at once all over the countryside.


Verified Member
I don't think of this as a 'barrage' of fire.. I think of it more of a bunch of fire punches.. Maybe name change?
Barrage to me is more of rapid spam that isn't from the same source, like a bunch of firebenders shootin' at once all over the countryside.
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/barrage It doesn't have to come from one source, and you are correct in the definition that it is a bunch of fire punchs. The second definition of barrage on that web page is: an overwhelming quantity or explosion, as of words, blows, or criticisms: Which I translate to mean for this that it should be a overwhelming amount of small fireblasts.
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