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Metalbender Grapple

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The new version of the Grapple is inspired by Attack On Titans "grapples" or whatever you call them. Specifically with the name "Metalbender Grapple" so that only metalbenders have access to it, unlike the current one.

The idea is, you craft iron leggings with a regular grapple hook to create this unique version of a grapple where the wire comes out of your waist rather than your wrist.

This version of grapple is a lot more sensitive than the original, where when you hook onto a block and launch towards it you will be tossed a bit further than your hooked block unless you get launched onto the ground. Also, this version can be used to slow your fall, or keep you from taking fall damage.

New moves could be made (Combos) if a specific move is made for this new grapple. Such as a fast spinning "wire tornado" that Korra uses in this episode of Book 3:

That's mostly it. Thank you for reading and any small changes could be made in the future!

edit: I know a lot of people have suggested new versions of the grapple and got denied, so I am not counting on this one making it to the core plugin so soon.


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