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Surge Wall Change

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Verified Member
The combustion beam is an example, and it is not like we are giving waterbenders the ability to completely control fire, that was simply an example of something that could happen. The shield would be "Pushing" the blast to the side, or in the martial arts world, The waterbender "Slides" past the blast.
Yeah, I get that. I was just suggesting it because I wasn't sure.


Verified Member
Yeah, but we would redirecting solid stuff, right? I mean, you cannot redirect air neither fire with water.
Yeah, well airswipe doesn't even have enough range to even move past the surge shield, so I doubt we are going to extend it's range through the use of a move like surge, and it is so wide it might just hit the waterbender anyways. A firebender does not have "complete" control over combustion, if they do then why not just blast someone in the north pole from the south pole? The most we have seen is that a firebender can explode the combustion whenever they chose, which is implemented, and slightly alter the course of the combustion beam, which is added in a custom version of combustion.


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A similar move to this was used by katara in 2:08 in this video, so this could at least be useful against chi blockers.


Verified Member
I don't understand what Surge shield has to do with this at all....it almost seems like a Chi move if you ask me, Waterbenders weren't really like this in the show. They wouldn't be dodging the move, they would try to stop the attack by any means possible.


Verified Member
I don't understand what Surge shield has to do with this at all....it almost seems like a Chi move if you ask me, Waterbenders weren't really like this in the show. They wouldn't be dodging the move, they would try to stop the attack by any means possible.
I think you gone it all wrong. Its not dodging an attack ,its deflecting an attack(aka. combustion beam) right pass throught you by turning surge shield either to left or right in which in that direction the combustion projectile is release
Scenario goes by this: Firebender is in a fight with waterbender ,WB uses surgeshield (in water state) ,Then the firebender shoots combustion thingy ,then if WB reacts fast ,he can deflect the combustion my moving shield either to the left or right. That's how i atleast understand by this suggestion of owlcools
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