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Wow way to call me out. And good thing it's not the biggest deal that you don't like it.
I find this highly disrespectful, But personal feelings aside this just isn't the best idea nor was it properly explained. Even if it was i don't think its possible considering the plugin would need to be advanced enough to know that, and i just don't think it is at that stage where it would be able to. Even if it was it would at the end of the day only be water unless two benders were using it. Which i may add has been suggested MANY times and not one move that required two benders to use has been added.

I just don't think this is the thread for that to happen, it's so poorly executed.


Verified Member
I find this highly disrespectful, But personal feelings aside this just isn't the best idea nor was it properly explained. Even if it was i don't think its possible considering the plugin would need to be advanced enough to know that, and i just don't think it is at that stage where it would be able to. Even if it was it would at the end of the day only be water unless two benders were using it. Which i may add has been suggested MANY times and not one move that required two benders to use has been added.

I just don't think this is the thread for that to happen, it's so poorly executed.
No offense Coast, but it seems that every thread you post on. You believe your opinion is supreme. I may be the only one noticing, but I'd appreciate if you didn't act that way all the time.

Comment aside. The idea of mud bending does seem rather useless. Because my idea "Multi Bender Combos" has the 'looking into' status, more techniques that require several benders of different elements is always welcome. Mud bending just happens to be one of those techniques that would work well if preformed with two elements. Water and earth working together to create mud walls, mud surges, and stuff of the like sounds very promising. Aside from a single earthbender who spits a bit of mud in your eyes and then slides around in it. Kind of nasty when I put it like that, but that's all I can see really :p

This thread isn't going to get my support in a whole new subelement.


Verified Member
No offense Coast, but it seems that every thread you post on. You believe your opinion is supreme. I may be the only one noticing, but I'd appreciate if you didn't act that way all the time.
I believe that your taking my sortof "I stand by my opinion" attitude the wrong way.


Verified Member
True true, I disagree with ice being a subelement.
Ice as a subelement is similar to lava being the liquid form of earth. While ice bending is extremely common, lava bending is not. Ice is to water as lava is to earth. The switch between lava and earth is much more difficult, but technically the same.


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I find this highly disrespectful
I wasn't being disrespectful at all. I don't see how it was in any way disrespectful. Just because I don't value a negative opinion, doesn't mean I'm being disrespectful.
No offense Coast, but it seems that every thread you post on. You believe your opinion is supreme. I may be the only one noticing, but I'd appreciate if you didn't act that way all the time.
It does seem that way. I don't think I've seen Coast like a thread that wasn't his own, or something for Airbenders. Not saying he doesn't, but I've never seen it.
True true, I disagree with ice being a subelement.
Same. Ice was just too commonly used in the show, and I don't think that there was one waterbender that couldn't icebend, so I don't see a real point in it being a sub-element.
Ice as a subelement is similar to lava being the liquid form of earth. While ice bending is extremely common, lava bending is not. Ice is to water as lava is to earth. The switch between lava and earth is much more difficult, but technically the same.
Yes, but lavabending is also much rarer. Just like mudbending.
Comment aside. The idea of mud bending does seem rather useless. Because my idea "Multi Bender Combos" has the 'looking into' status, more techniques that require several benders of different elements is always welcome. Mud bending just happens to be one of those techniques that would work well if preformed with two elements. Water and earth working together to create mud walls, mud surges, and stuff of the like sounds very promising. Aside from a single earthbender who spits a bit of mud in your eyes and then slides around in it. Kind of nasty when I put it like that, but that's all I can see really :p
I really don't think it would work better that way. It would be cool if it were to be that way, but I think it would do better as just a sub-element. And if that's all it is (which there are more possiblities than that) Then I don't see the difference from it and half the other sub-elements.
But personal feelings aside this just isn't the best idea nor was it properly explained. Even if it was i don't think its possible considering the plugin would need to be advanced enough to know that, and i just don't think it is at that stage where it would be able to. Even if it was it would at the end of the day only be water unless two benders were using it. Which i may add has been suggested MANY times and not one move that required two benders to use has been added.

I just don't think this is the thread for that to happen, it's so poorly executed.
First off I would like to see you suggest a new subelement, which not many have done. You tell me how to properly execute it, and we will see what I think.
It could be either water or earthbenders, as both did it in the show. This is completely possible too, even if I don't know how to code it. But it is possible.


Verified Member
Mudbending is only rare because it's not every day people in avatar go to a swamp or marsh or other location with a lot of wet dirt. It's pretty easy to tell it's not difficult at all to do. Just not convenient when you could bend regular earth or water.


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If Icebending is going to be a sub-element when every waterbender in the show was shown to do it, there is no reason that mudbending cannot be a sub-element. Just gonna put that out there. But knowing people in this generation, no one will be open to change.


Verified Member
If Icebending is going to be a sub-element when every waterbender in the show was shown to do it, there is no reason that mudbending cannot be a sub-element. Just gonna put that out there. But knowing people in this generation, no one will be open to change.
You say that as if the entire staff had a say in icebending >>


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You don't? You're the concept designers for pete's sake, concept the design of getting icebending removed from being a sub-element.


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I haven't demanded anything. I just agreed with you staffs that icebending shouldn't be a sub-element, and I told you what you could do. Not demanding anything, I'm happy with the plugin as it is. Just saying you can improve in various ways. And this thread sort of got of the topic of mudbending with the "multi bender combos" and icebending distractions.


Verified Member
In all honesty, what's so bad about ice being a sub element? I main water, don't see the big fuss that everyone is going on about.


I haven't demanded anything. I just agreed with you staffs that icebending shouldn't be a sub-element, and I told you what you could do. Not demanding anything, I'm happy with the plugin as it is. Just saying you can improve in various ways. And this thread sort of got of the topic of mudbending with the "multi bender combos" and icebending distractions.
I'm gonna have to respectfully ask you to back off from the staff disrespecting right now, since you're violating Rules 1 and 6 of the forums. I can assure you right now, as a concept designer, that Gahshunk would not have his position if he were not able to do it well. If anything, his style is startlingly realistic, and he contributes well to the team. You made your suggestion, you made your point, you do not need to argue and start fights about it by demanding it be introduced. All suggestions on this forum are equal, regardless of how good they are; it's the Concept Designers job to review these. Stop starting fights.


Verified Member
I'm gonna have to respectfully ask you to back off from the staff disrespecting right now, since you're violating Rules 1 and 6 of the forums. I can assure you right now, as a concept designer, that Gahshunk would not have his position if he were not able to do it well. If anything, his style is startlingly realistic, and he contributes well to the team. You made your suggestion, you made your point, you do not need to argue and start fights about it by demanding it be introduced. All suggestions on this forum are equal, regardless of how good they are; it's the Concept Designers job to review these. Stop starting fights.
Exactly. Having ideas is a good thing, but almost violently defending your opinions ruins the point of a "suggestion". Your posts resemble demands.


Verified Member
Exactly. Having ideas is a good thing, but almost violently defending your opinions ruins the point of a "suggestion". Your posts resemble demands.
I agree there was a bit of aggression in the post...But then again who am I to say his tone,nor his attitude over the internet.


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Head Moderator
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Could I throw my two cents in, or will I get my head bitten off for disagreeing with somebody?

I believe that Earthbenders are capable of bending mud, if it isn't like overly saturated with water.
I believe that Watrebenders are capable of bending water, which may have dirt mixed in with it. As exampled when Katara bends the slurry to keep it in the drill. It's not pure water, but then again, what is?

Anyway, It all really depends. Most of these suggestions are crossing lines that are ill defined. People, you must also understand that if it is shown in a fragment of a scene, in one episode that doesn't make it "Hyper true, no lies Illuminati confirmed canon (usually misspelled as a large, heavy piece of artillery, typically mounted on wheels, formerly used in warfare.) For example, many people believe that Toph bent(bended?) the mud at Katara first, but really, if you read the transcript of the episode, it says that Toph "KICKS" mud in Katara's face. Which would mean that the mud they happen to be in was mostly water, which was why Katara was able to bend it. So mud bending is possible HOWEVER it depends on the composition of the mud.

For those of you who want to send me hate mail for disagreeing, please try to do so between 7:35am and 2:35pm, that's when I have the most opportunity to check PK. Have a good evening, and a pleasant tomorrow.


Verified Member
Sources: Underwater dirt, dirt, podzol, snowy dirt.
Waterbenders bending just plain dirt is preposterous! There would be no way to say they didn't just place that dirt in the metal box in a volcano and start bending it! It's dirt, not mud.. With snow on dirt, they'd just use the SNOW as a source.. With dirt with water above it, THEY'D JUST BEND THE WATER.... With podzol, it's the same thing as a grass-dirt... I rest my rant.
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