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Accepted Concept Designer Application

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Verified Member
How long have you been involved in the Avatar Series / ProjectKorra?
When Avatar: The Last Airbender came out in 2005 I was a little kid, and I had immediately fell in love with the world. When The Legend Of Korra was announced, I freaked. By the 2nd Book of The Legend Of Korra I had found the Project Korra servers. So it is safe to say I have been familiar with the plugin and the show for a long time.

Why do you want to be a Concept Designer for ProjectKorra?
My honest opinion is, I do not want to be the one who sits back and does nothing. I want to help create a bigger reality for Project Korra. I want to be one of the people who helped get this plugin to its best state yet. My mind can be put to work to create new ideas, and help others polish their ideas. I've done it before, and this time I would like to do it for the Project Korra team.

Country / Time Zone:
USA, Central Standard Time (CST)

Could you please provide 2-3 Concept Ideas?
Spiritual Energy Levels - One of my favorite suggestions I have ever created. It goes deep into Spiritual details, and I just love it.
Past Lives (Avatar Ability) - Probably my most complex Avatar ability I have ever made.
Special Bender Chance - This is one of my best RPG suggestions, and I admire it so much.

Do you have a preference for which plugin you work on?
My preferred plugin I'd like to work on would be the Spirits plugin and the Core. Those two are my personal favorites and I'd love to get the opportunity to help finish them.

Additional Relevant Skills:
After being apart of this community for a while, I understand how things go around here. I can provide information when things are confusing, and I also know when to put my hand down and say "No." Going back to knowing how the community is, I would know when someone suggests something out of line for the plugin. I would be able to either A. Help them, or B. Decline the suggestion completely. I am good at keeping friendships with others, and I am able to put my honest opinion.

I hope that this application made you consider me for the position at the least.

- Fly

[4/14/2015] Edited the "Concept Ideas" question with more recent links to suggestions by me.
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