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Denied Lava suggestion

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So right now,cooling lava is a feature of lavaflow. That's great and all, but there is one problem with it - cooling lava and creating a lava pool have the same required event - left click. So I propose making cooling lava it's own move, and changing up the cooling of lava.
Name: Lavacool or CoolLava
Element: Earth/lava
How used: click a source of lava
Description: Clicking a source of lava would cool it bit by bit as it does now, but instead of turning the lava into stone, to make it look like burnt ground/cooled magma, I think podzol would be a better outcome.

Thanks for reading! Post suggestions!


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So right now,cooling lava is a feature of lavaflow. That's great and all, but there is one problem with it - cooling lava and creating a lava pool have the same required event - left click. So I propose making cooling lava it's own move, and changing up the cooling of lava.
Name: Lavacool or CoolLava
Element: Earth/lava
How used: click a source of lava
Description: Clicking a source of lava would cool it bit by bit as it does now, but instead of turning the lava into stone, to make it look like burnt ground/cooled magma, I think podzol would be a better outcome.

Thanks for reading! Post suggestions!
Podzol is more like mud... :/ What about diorite, andesite, etc. that looks good to me.


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Hmm. I like it but those are not really the right color. Podzol is like the closest to magma type stuff


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I don't think this is a good idea because earthbending already have a lot of abilities , if we divide lavaflow it will be so much


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I don't think this is a good idea because earthbending already have a lot of abilities , if we divide lavaflow it will be so much
Why are you so against lava? and what does earth having too many moves have anything to do with this. Why does the number of moves matter?


Verified Member
Podzol is actually the closes thing to lava burned grass blocks. The only thing that I see is that because of the multitude of abilities earth has splitting a move would result in less slots available for the bender to bind.


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This seems like a kinda unnecessary move. There's already LavaFlow, just request that a change is made to that move. There's no reason to make a whole new move for it.


Verified Member
There needs to be different way to make lava and to get rid of it, because if you're on a lavapool that you're cooling and you accidentally click on stone you are done for. :D
EDIT: Maybe we can use rightclick to cool lava? ;)
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There needs to be different way to make lava and to get rid of it, because if you're on a lavapool that you're cooling and you accidentally click on stone you are done for. :D
EDIT: Maybe we can use rightclick to cool lava? ;)
I don't think right click registers when clicking liquids


Verified Member
Why are you so against lava? and what does earth having too many moves have anything to do with this. Why does the number of moves matter?
I'am not against lava this is one of my favourite sub element but i'am just realistic i think we need do the opposite consolidate 2 moves in one instead of dividing them.
I hope you understand what i mean.
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