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Valid Concept Designer Application


Verified Member
Why do you want to be a Concept Designer for ProjectKorra?
Believe me when I say I will focus on this and only this. I see that the job of a Concept Designer is filtering through suggestions and determining which should go into the plugin and which should not, and I do this always when I get on this website, I always look at the suggestions for the ProjectKorra plugins and I am always interested in some of them. So being in a job to do just that would be amazing!

Please provide links to 2-3 of the best suggestions you have made on ProjectKorra:

Do you have a preference for which plugin you work on?
Well I would work on ProjectKorra (Core) the most, but if you ask me to work on ProjectKorra (RPG) or any of the future ProjectKorra plugins I would be glad to.

Country / Time Zone:
United States / Eastern Time Zone

Additional Relevant Skills:
My additional skills is that I have a very creative mind, enough to make some suggestions myself for moves, but I haven't made any suggestions and ill try soon. I am also learning to code if you want me to code anything. I also have Skype and my Mic is not broken so freely message me on Skype whenever you like.
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Verified Member
But since that is a bit offencive to any of the staff that isn't a Concept Disigner, ill edit it out. Im sorry AlexTheCoder


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Ok, i clearly started a bad trend here. Lets all stop commenting on this application