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Torrent and Phase Change combo

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Verified Member
This is a new water combo move that I thought of while thinking about the Water Wave and Phase Change combo. What if you could do the same with torrent? You would use torrent like you normally do, but while holding shift you change to your phase change slot and left click before the torrent has hit the target. The torrent would turn into ice and do slightly more damage (I was thinking five or six hearts of damage?) and no knockback. It would also move slightly faster than torrent usually does. Even after the ice torrent hits someone/something it will continue on its path for eight or nine blocks in total. This would however take away the ability to freeze your enemy in a block of ice. This wouldn't be very op because it is somewhat hard to perform, you can't freeze anyone with it, and you can't change its course of direction after you changed it to ice. This would be a great addition for water benders and sometimes fun to use.

Please comment below with your thoughts and suggestions, thank you! :D
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Verified Member
I like this idea but I feel like it should be a little bit different. In the show, Unulaq uses this against Tonraq and the ice torrent seems to look razor sharp, as if it has incredible cutting ability. I think it should have much faster speed once it's ice, but have no knockback at all. When it hits someone, it "slices" through them, going past them. It would be able to hit multiple enemies as well. It should give them slowness and MAYBE encase them in a small ice shell? Similar to the shape of the ice created from Frost Breath (wouldn't disable their bending like frost breath does, though).

Not sure on the damage, though.


Verified Member
What if, making it into ice, removes the ability to move the stream more?
I have that in the original post already. When they change the torrent to ice they cannot move it around anymore. Thanks for the suggestion anyways ;)
I like this idea but I feel like it should be a little bit different. In the show, Unulaq uses this against Tonraq and the ice torrent seems to look razor sharp, as if it has incredible cutting ability. I think it should have much faster speed once it's ice, but have no knockback at all. When it hits someone, it "slices" through them, going past them. It would be able to hit multiple enemies as well. It should give them slowness and MAYBE encase them in a small ice shell? Similar to the shape of the ice created from Frost Breath (wouldn't disable their bending like frost breath does, though).

Not sure on the damage, though.
I will make sure to add this to the original post, thanks for the ideas :D


Verified Member
I think that when it becomes ice, it would go way faster as Torrent but hard to redirect. I love this suggestion bt! :D It makes a lot sense and multiple suggestions like this have been suggested, but they all got denied because of its similarity to Torrent. But back then it wasn't for combos, so this is genius!

Maybe, when you release shift with torrent, you could freeze the circular surge that pushes everything away from you as well. Maybe it would freeze and turn in to sort of water/ice blast going to all directions? 2014-12-27_19.18.01.png


Verified Member
I think that when it becomes ice, it would go way faster as Torrent but hard to redirect. I love this suggestion bt! :D It makes a lot sense and multiple suggestions like this have been suggested, but they all got denied because of its similarity to Torrent. But back then it wasn't for combos, so this is genius!

Maybe, when you release shift with torrent, you could freeze the circular surge that pushes everything away from you as well. Maybe it would freeze and turn in to sort of water/ice blast going to all directions? View attachment 511
That's a good idea about turning the circular surge into ice! Also I specifically said that this wouldn't be redirect able, you would have to dodge it, or use some sort of defensive bending move. I can add that it would go faster though, that makes sense. Thanks for all the suggestions :D!


Verified Member
Maybe, when you release shift with torrent, you could freeze the circular surge that pushes everything away from you as well. Maybe it would freeze and turn in to sort of water/ice blast going to all directions? View attachment 511
Would be cool if those iceblocks could shoot in the direction they are facing but all of them at the same time after torrentwave is frozen. This would work more as a offensive attack rather then defensive in its ice state ,as it would damage instead of knockback. :)
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