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Denied Air Breath

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Verified Member
Used by Roku in Book 3 Episode 6 of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
So before you go on about how this move's idea is to over used, I want you to know that what it does is a lot different than Frost Breath and Fire Breath.

The animation would be that of Fire Breath, but the particles would be Cloud Particles. The user would shift and be able to hold a burst of "air breath" for 10 seconds, or however long regular breath moves last.

The move would cause a large knock back to any entity/mob/user that comes in its range. Maybe a 10 block knock back range?
The length of the breath of air would be roughly 8-9 blocks.

Air Breath
Shift> Burst of cloud particles appear in fire breath shape for 10 seconds or until user releases shift>Cloud particles hit entity/mob/user and send them flying back 10 or any amount of blocks. (10 by default).
- or -
Shift facing the ground>Burst of particles appear in fire breath shape for 10 seconds or until user releases shift>Breath of air bursts you in the air (or opposite direction of the ground/wall you're looking at.


The move could do some configurable damage if you want.
In the show the move is also used to slow his fall down, so the ability could also be used for that.

Thanks, and I have been waiting to post this but I just didn't have any proof from the show that this move existed until now xD..
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Verified Member
I'd prefer damage with it, It would help balance things out.
Just because air CHOOSES to be more passive than others, doesn't mean it's not as powerful.

I'd ADORE this move.


Verified Member
I agree with this move. Aang also used this move ability.Fire and frost breath lasts 5 seconds but I think Air benders practice more breathing exercises and it would make more sense for them to be able to hold that stream much longer.


Verified Member
It's kinda just airblast + airburst merged. Sure it's cool but eh, its not very different from airburst/airblast


Verified Member
It's kinda just airblast + airburst merged. Sure it's cool but eh, its not very different from airburst/airblast

Then what's the Point of having FireBreath? And FrostBlast? Frostbreath can be torrent or surge freezing people.
FireBreath can be Fire burning people. -_____-

- I could just create for my server doe. :/


Staff member
Plugin Developer
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Well, to make it a little different from the other air bending moves, what about this:

When using underneath you (or looking to a block) you'll get blast backwards, like you are air bending sneezing :p


Verified Member
Ah, but is the default config set to have damage on? XD
I agree with Fly, this move shouldn't deal damage at all. Air itself is a threat in itself, because of fall damage and its cooling factor. This move could possibly cool heated blocks, push falling blocks and items, and push users away? That all makes sense to me :p


Verified Member
Well, to make it a little different from the other air bending moves, what about this:

When using underneath you (or looking to a block) you'll get blast backwards, like you are air bending sneezing :p
I mentioned something similar to this at the end, but I'll put this in specifically.
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