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Earthgrab addon

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I know that this has probably been suggested and you are going to yell at me for it. Oh well an idea is an idea.
So we all know the earth move EarthGrab, most of us know what it does. Now I am going to refer to the part of it where you press shift and a circular wall of earth goes around you. I think that if you R-click while this wall is up, 2 of the walls go up more and then cover the top. This has been seen done in the show countless times, and just to name a few; When aang fights ozai, when aang goes into the avatar state in the earth kingdom catacomb thingy, etc. This provides the bender with better protection, and lets them take a break to heal or eat food. Thank you for reading!


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I like the idea, but only when you used earth grab on yourself. It would be to OP when using on someone else


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Hm wait. L-click is already used for trapping someone else I think. What about holding shift?


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Right-click works best. And it can be used, as it is used in one of the firecombos.


Verified Member
It is used with icebullets too, I think. As told by many you can apparently only use R-clikc if you R-click on a block. But since that if you can to earthgrab yourself, you need to stand on earth this is no problem. Right click might be the simplest that way.
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